$949 USD

>$949 USD
>$949 USD
>$949 USD

Attached: EaAf9y1VAAAorkp.0.jpg (680x383, 19.25K)

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they won't announce price until august user.


Man is this 2006 again?

scared that daddy phil is going to spank them

>user keeps making this thread for no reason besides being butthurt

Poor guy.

Let’ be honest:

Would the majority even care if the PS5 ends up being $599,99 ?

Will they still defend it if the launch titles end up being lackluster?

Hell, will they still defend it if Sony makes us pay an additional fee for PS4 and possibly previous PS consoles backwards compatibility regarding the PS5?

i predict $299

Attached: iss.jpg (2728x1798, 918.79K)

>Would the majority even care if the PS5 ends up being $599,99 ?
yes. the ps2 was much much much bigger than the ps4. And still no one got a 3, because of the price and a recession hitting the world.

Your daddy phil is already on his deathbed just like his console

i miss It's ridge racer


Is a rumor or just a shitpost?

Just go buy a pc
>time to grow up

You have brain problems.

the shitpost would be hilarious, but nah
>Would the majority even care if the PS5 ends up being $599,99 ?
it would probably drag in the beginning but it would depend on how things would develop
>yes. the ps2 was much much much bigger than the ps4.
this is correct
>>And still no one got a 3
this is wrong, it the end it outsold the 360. not by much, but it did, although the RROD scandal may have helped in this

adults play on console because they don't want to bother troubleshooting pc and sitting for additional hours infront of a desk and a monitor

$500 for base
$600 for pro

I miss the NES Mario getting one ups on the CEO, or fuck sake what was his name?

probaboly gonna be $3-500

>Would the majority even care if the PS5 ends up being $599,99 ?
yes? casual gamers are the majority

normals, you mean

>I am rich enough to afford 1 PlayStation 5 and 1 game. Are you?

retard you really think it will be 3 dollars, fucking Americans

RROD unironically boosted 360 sales because americans just bought a new console when it bricked

hell it might even be 2, technology is evolving so fast nowadays

$500: I buy.

$600: I wait.

pretty much

>Would the majority even care if the PS5 ends up being $599,99?
I would, I'm not buying that shit if it's 600 dollars. I don't give a shit what the ssd is giving out fantastic blowjobs. 400 is the absolute maximum I'm willing to spend on a netflix box that I occasionally play games on

Attached: 1582737303569.jpg (1920x1080, 189.39K)

oh no no nonononono bros, not again

Attached: 599usd.jpg (638x744, 58.26K)

I wish but they probably won't tell the price.
The PS5 only has a problem with the price if the Sex will be noticeably cheaper. Then it could become a disaster because casuals could flock to the cheaper alternative.

Why not? That's how much a phone or a bicycle or a coffee machine or a tv costs.
Why would consoles be so much cheaper than everything else?
Inflation happened. That isnt a lot of money anymore. $500 used to be worth what $1000 is worth now.

Lmao he doesnt know who to assemble a pc and install up to date drivers.
As if that's trouble. Its Lego for adults. You should enjoy it.

>normals, you mean
no actual people with a job. I am like 8 hours a day infront of a pc and my chair at home is not the best. If I want to play a game, I want to play on my bed start that shit and it's done. No,
>oh shit controller not connected and need to restart the game with connected controller
>oh shit need to buy better bluetooth stick,
>oh shit no headphones and need to make the sound a little bit louder so need to stand up
> no fiddling with options
>lol game froze stand up, close game, do it and start again until some bug is there and you need to search 5 min for some shit
Just be in bed plug my headphones to the shitty controller and play.