>play JRPG
>game lets you marry your sister
There’s nothing wrong with incest in fiction.
What is with Japan and incest???
>its not actually your sister, just step sister
fuck japan
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War has quite a few brother x sister couples.
Although I think the protagonist himself marrying his sister is a glitch.
...and reality
She's not your sister.
play the fucking game, retard
Incest was extremely common in medieval times, especially among nobles.
They're not related. She's from a different kingdom altogether that merely had good relations with his, and she took care of him when he was a baby.
wish I could play a dating simulator like fire emblem without the shitty gameplay that is used as filling for retards who complains games need gameplay.
>play jrpg
>entire world is literally destroyed because you did not marry your sister
Genealogy only has half-sibling incest, and the characters didn't realize it. Seliph can also bang his half sister, but it's a glitch like you said. Otherwise, incest pairings are cousins.
Lachesis is romantically in love with Eldigan
Sounds pretty based to me.
They never fuck, she just pines after him before getting dicked down by Finn and Beowulf.
Okay, now this is based
>play JRPG
>Game lets you make a harem out of your Mother, Sisters, Cousins, and Aunts, Possibly Grandmother if shes stacked enough
>play rpg maker
>game lets you/has ______
wow im so impressed
Dude _____ is super rare in gaming. I can only do the inferior ------- most of the time.
This what the fuck. It's a huge turn-off for me personally, no matter which way they try to slice it. I hate seeing it so much.
Wait...is this a fanmade version of DQXI? What the fuck!?
Nope, it's the Nintendo Switch version.
Not very bright are you
I want to marry Erik
>game lets you put your head on your sister's lap
Or in real life, if your sister is hot.
Not only is Jade not the Luminary's sister, it's all just wishful thinking on her part and he has no reason to think of her that way. He doesn't even know the bitch.
Is her name Martina in the Japan?
I just googled it and apparently tut he Switch version had a whole suite of new features that other versions didn't. I had no idea...
Fuck you
Just finished the Cathedral part of ChronoTrigger does it get good from there?
The section right after that is when the game really clicked with me. Try playing just a bit farther.
Is the 3DS game translated now?
Switch version can be played in either 2D or 3D.
dare i say, based?
alot of DQ names are needlessly changed when brought over to the West