>2 days
>97 Metacritic
You know it's coming
2 days
I want it to just come out so we can make fun of it again for a week and then never have to think about it again.
Doesn't matter.
We already poisoned the well with all of the memes and leak spreading.
Try 98
Until TGW happens and gives it GOTY over Cyberpunk
>highly anticipated game will come out
>normies will buy it and say it’s good
nooooo nobody see that come the guy know as Zig Forums said it would fail aaaah
>TLOU2 added jumping
Oh no. Neil. Ol' Buddy ol' pal no no no. NO no No.
ohoho. ohhhhh shit nooo. OHHHHHNONONONONO
Of course it is, journalists who would crucified by the left if they didn't.
fuuuck I'm looking at some of the leaked gameplay from today, does ellie's gf accompany her for the huge chunk of the game? I was hoping they'd throw ai partners out or at least heavily lessen their inclusion in the sequel but it seems like you always some stupid ai tailing you at all times. Fuck, none of the pre-release media shows that, I thought you were just going to play as ellie alone the whole time, which maybe a section or two with a partner
this honestly right here ruins the whole thing for me. I hate having shitty ai companions tag along for the whole fucking game, ruined the first game for me too
you get one as Abby too
retarded AI ruining your immersion all the time. At least Ellie was your daughterfu I can't relate to some quirky lesbian banther
ellie has 3 companions throughout the game, joel 25% dina 40% and jesse 15%
then in the last chapters, farm santa barbara and the epilogue ellie's on her own
>contextual button
Why wouldn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if it even gets a 100. Critics want to prove a point regardless of how good the actual game is.
Aren't journalists pissed at Neil for having Ellie and her gf be antagonized?
>It's okay to have loli yuri ryona games when Sony does it!!
Yeah you just have to make the girls extremely ugly and then beat them to death
I'm so excited. The blowback from these TORtanic threads is always the fucking best. Sword/Shield sales numbers was a particularly fun one.
>we did it reddit
>Druckmann gets to make a multi-million dollar game focused around his fetishes and receive praise for doing so
Sometimes, just sometimes, I envy the Jews.
On one hand, it's a sequel to a game ResetEra loved
On the other hand, it's a tranny attacking/tormenting Ellie and Joel. So naturally they will have conflicting feelings. Did the producer create this game just to rustle the skirts of ResetEra? It's more likely than you think.
>It's okay to promote and pander to pedophilic fetishes as long as it pushes/supports a western lgbt narrative
FTFY, give it a few years. Soon POC pedophiles will demand to be called MAPs while being questioned at the playgrounds they're infesting
Here's the fucking problem retard.
Ellie and what'sherface aren't likable and have little to no personality.
This seems like a game surgically put together to maximize its appeal to video game critics, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets the top Metacritic score and then we keep getting games that follow similar design philosophies in the future.
Nobody cares about the memes and leaks anymore
Lmao no one fucking cares. Shit will be dead in a week and forgotten. If it happens to be remembered then it will just be from people laughing at it.
Okay, (((Neil))).
why wouldn't you always envy the jews? considering how much you guys say that they control society and can do whatever they want, it sounds like they're a part of the master race desu
delusional coping
How many reviewers/bloggers from like bosnian games sites are posting in these threads
>written by druckchad
>no personality
pick one
I'd rather keep my foreskin than trade it for all of that tbqh
47 user score
How many non-Nintendo & rockstar games have a 97 on either Metacritic or some other website
No one cares about TLoU this is a Metal Gear Rising Thread now
You can go back to restrannyera now
1998 - Half-Life - 98 - Valve
1999 - SoulCalibur - 98 - Namco
2000 - Pro Skater 2 - 98 - Activision
2001 - Metal Gear Solid 2 - 97 - Konami
until metacritic clears all the spam reviews that just go "tranny", "dilate", "fucking SJWs" etc and it'll shoot up to a 98
He actually thinks userscore matters
Name one memorable character from TLOU aside from Ellie and joel.
henry and his brother, tommy, sarah, tess, bill, marlene
Based. Literally no competition, easy goty. Trannypunk and zoom eternal don't count.
Now explain how they're memorable because they're rarely ever talked about.
>side characters aren't talked about as much as main characters
wooow druckmann is such a hack
Final Fantasy 7R
So basically it has no chance of getting anything higher than a 95?
>tranny game
No buy.
Tha Cringe of Us Too
henry and his brother: well-written characters that had a tragic end, i liked them
tommy: idk i just remembered him, thats all you asked for
sarah: joel's daughter that got killed, kind of hard not to remember
tess: femdom surpreme
bill: the second gay character, also mentally unsound
marlene: queen firefly
the first one got a 95 and this one's better so I don't see why not
lol i wonder why she's still remembered
>inversion, implying there won't be tons of fake user review to boost the score like there are fake news articles to prop up the game
>only the journos that hate their jobs matter
Only after 3 months we'll start to get a clear picture.