
If you haven't played this one yet you won't regret giving it a try. Hip fire feels really good in this game really fun. this is remedy's magnum opus I swear

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The game is sexist.

I liked the puzzles and brutalist/midcentury aesthetic of the environment. also the trippy spooky visuals

I didn't care for the combat

>fantasy guns
>still have to reload (recharge)
but why, it adds nothing positive to the game and only makes the combat worse

looks like westernshit shovelware.

it makes the user conserve their shots instead of spamming

kys weeb

You first westcuck.

Its not it takes some influence from souls in its design and has a metroidvania type map too.pic related is one part

You know how those things go, have to limit the player in some ways

Attached: All-Collectibles---map---Executive-Sector---Control-2019.jpg (979x904, 65.83K)

>telekinetic throw
>telekinetic throw
>telekinetic throw
wow, brilliant combat
at least the mobility is somewhat high (by console shooter standards), that and the environment aesthetic are the only things this game has going for it

is it really coming to steam on august? i've been waiting forever.

>it takes some influence from souls in its design and has a metroidvania type map too.
So is Remnant.

Remedy faded into nothing after Max Payne 2. Nobody's given a shit about any of their games since then, I don't understand where they get the money to keep making games that nobody buys.

Should've just skipped the gun altogether and based the combat fully around TK, tearing up the environment hurling shit everywhere is the most fun thing in the game anyway.

sure, but it isn't very fun

Is it a horror game?

It's a TPS spin on the soulslike genre, but it has exactly zero metroidvania elements.

Not generally, but there's some spooky moments

>this is remedy's magnum opus I swear
ah Remedy, the kings of hyper repetitive gameplay loops and shit enemy variety

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That sounds like a bad idea, Control's combat is already braindead simple. If you took the gun out of it, it would be just
>throw things that explode
>throw things that don't explode

Maybe some more talented people could make it a good game revolving just around telekinesis, but definitely not Remedy.

if this is how you view the gameplay thats on you for being uncreative, not the games fault lmao

The unique altered item encounters are great, the shooty parts are extremely meh.

It tries to be atmospheric, and it does that moderately well. It's definitely not a horror game, and it doesn't really try to be one.

Presumably they'd put the budget saved by not implementing boilerplate 3rd person shooting and the same handful of gonna found in every shooter ever into making TK combat fun but I take your meaning, it probably wouldn't have actually been better but at least it would have been a bit ambitious.

That's the optimal way to do damage, you retard.
You have two resource bars that regenerate when not used, so there is not much else to do than spend one of the resources, then spend the second resource while the first one is recharging.

Besides, what other damage dealing abilities does the character have? The meme ground slam? Or is punching stuff "creative"?
There is just nothing else to be done.

Gameplay mechanics aren't usually budget constrained, the assets/sound/polish is. There is no amount of money you can pump into Control to make the gameplay "loop" fun.

Might grab it when it's free on the Epic Store™.

Telekinetic throws or barriers that block/reflect projectiles aren't even a particularly novel idea.
The throws aren't any different gameplay-wise from what a rocket launcher weapon would do in other games, it's just an AoE projectile with relatively slow reload.

Also this No amount of money can buy creativity, something that has become painfully apparent in modern game industry.

That's unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future.
I recommend grabbing it from a torrent of your choice instead, it's free there right now.

call me a moralfag, but I don't pirate from smaller studios

You didn't intend to give them a single penny anyway, which is good because they don't deserve any for this garbage and they already got paid by Epic anyway.

If you wanna give them money you're free to do it anytime, they even have sales frequently, but that would be a stupid choice.

you will never be japanese.

I don't need to be japanese to play superior games.

Painu vittuun Sami Järvi.