Alex Kidd is back


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Pretty sure this was the first game I ever "owned" along with Sonic 1. Alex Kidd was built into the Master System.


Does this mean SegaGAGA port someday?

I think Alex Kidd is near the bottom on the list of Sega IPs people want to see return, but hey.


Its a start. If it gets a lot of buzz, we might see some Ecco remaster, or Ristar, and pray harder for Jet Set Radio


I hope they get the chance to make a new alex kidd if this does well.

2D platformers are cheap to produce, doubly so for a remake.

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looks incredibly chinese
like not chinese legend inspired i mean made by some shitty chink sweatshop coders

>looks like a monkey because SEGA is actually against niggers chimping out

What an abhorrent song to use for the trailer.

nobody gives a shit about Ecco or Ristar either we want Jet set, crazy taxi, and a good Monkey ball

Didn't the Wonder Boy or Monster Boy or whatever guys get to do an original game after their remake? Or was the second game a remake too?

>Panzer Dragoon
>Streets of Rage
>Alex Kidd

Who’s next, Zig Forums?

Why would you ever not play it in the retro mode

>-near bottom...
Nigga, he ain't 'near' the bottom, he's the theoretically lowest achievable surface depth

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I couldn't be less excited. Sega is known for its visual flair and out there game design. Alex Kidd hits neither of those marks as far as I'm concerned. I'm happy for those who are excited, but they have so many other good IPs to pick from. Graphics looks really crisp though.

Looks soulless as fuck.
Where is the color?

How did the Panzer Dragoon remake do?


>Sega dragging all their literally who franchises out of the gutter no one asked for while jet set radio continues to rot

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Only fucking weirdos want Jet Set Radio.
Ehat the fuck is even that """game""", going around painting shit? Lmao

You can use the retro graphics

>calarts kid

SEGA has been kinda based lately

Wasn’t much to begin with, fucking buzzword spammer.

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Y no pc release


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I’m the original poster that guy was responding to.
Just here telling you that JSR is Sega’s best game and that you should fuck off if you don’t wanna be spammed with hateful (you)s

How is that Calarts?

I like the look


Vidya is saved.

They showed the same 3 clips of him underwater and riding his bike through the blocks like 14 times

Yes, give me this, Comix Zone, and Ristar.

Westerners ruining another good series like they ruined wonder boy and streets of rage. It looks like total garbage and cheap shit.

they cant bring back nights. they would fuck it up so hard

>Alex Kidd

Godo memories flooding back in.

Shinobi World>Miracle World>>>the others I haven't played>High Tech World

>Nigga, he ain't 'near' the bottom, he's the theoretically lowest achievable surface depth
Well, there's Fantasy Zone.

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Looks like shit.

Jet Set Radio is the kind of garbage that killed Sega alongside shit like NiGHTS and Shemnue. Those aren't fucking games.
Sega is doing better than ever nowadays without that crap.

>sega games

nice shit taste bro

Piece of shit sega keeps giving good titles to cheap westerners to ruin them fuck you.

Fucking hell that bloom looks awful and I don't recognize the music.
But it got new levels so I probably gonna get it because it was one of my first games I played.
They better put some levelups and checkpoints in the fucking castle. Christ that was awful. Never finished it on console but years later on emulator abusing savestates in said castle.

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It's a very, very short game, but those sections are all from the first three levels.

Looks like they did streets of rage 4 so I guess they did an original game.
Monsterboy was an original game.

Ugh Christ, fuck that artstyle. The levels and enemies look fine, good even, but Alex Kidd himself just looks like fucking shit.

I don't get it, why can't they rerelease Future? I could easily see them making a filler OST for the licensed tracks and then making it piss easy for them to be swapped out for the originals.

If it was build in then you had the Sega Master System II, fellow EU bro.

The logo makes it seem like some generic mobile game but the gameplay and visuals look pretty good to me.

>They aren’t games
>A game where you skate, jump, spray walls, all while evading the cops and trying to move as fast as possible isn’t a real game
>A game where you walk down hallways, occasionally shoot guys, and scissor with your girlfriend in movie cinematics is a game
Lol the absolute state of Snoy

Literally the first game I ever played back in 1990 when I got a Master System II for Christmas.

I would be down for a re-release of the Complete Collection on the PS2 (including the Ages remake of 1)

>toilet sounds
God so many devs were so awful at using the sega soundchip.

>that bloom
the bloom helps the pixel-art from appearing even more generic

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The bloom is not on the pixelart, retard.

we won shotafrens

>a legend reborn
The only thing legendary about him is the iconic moment in history that Sonic jacked him for the spot of company mascot.

Looks like he's only back in time to get sodomized by shadow of shantae's fame judging by the artwork.

Let's be honest about this, the only question on anybody's lips that saw this pretty much asked When's Astal?

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looks more like flash art than pixel art imo. generic in any case

I love the Swamp theme honestly

And where the fuck is the pso ep1&2 remake

Soon, brother

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>Fantasy Zone
...oh, you little bitch...

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Now that's something unexpected

>Sonic’s reputation and series is so far beyond repair that SEGA is attempting to revive fucking Alex Kidd from the grave and run him into the ground too
You can’t make this shit up

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Art style looks like a mobile game
It’s a remake
It’s shit

>Hey guys, here's the same game without the soul
thanks but no thanks

It's made by westerners that ruined street of rage obviously it's shit. Looks like mobile garbage.

why can't modern devs into contrast? this shit looks like it has a solid gray color at 50% opacity on top of the screen