Describe this art style
Describe this art style
"My 6 year old son drew this"
Kids cherry scented hand sanitizer commercial villains
What nuCartoon Network animators vomited up
Monstars from Space Jam but bad.
Dreamworks B-Team
Toothpaste commercial villians
Me on the right
Kellogg's mascots
I dont understand what sega was thinking when they made this. even the black arms were better then the guys
Yo-Kai Watch feat. coomerbait
I want to FUCK Zeena.
"we want the mario audience"
focus tested cartoon monsters that are designed to look goofy but not too scary or edgy
i still want to fuck the green one
They give me this vibe
Pac-Man Villains.
villains from a cartoon for toddlers
and not the educational kind of cartoon either, i mean the lobotomizing kind
the Monstars meets Calarts
>game was a rip-off of Mario Galaxy
>Producer even said he wanted the Mario audience
>they exist
literally and canonically a rip-off of Mario
If it was just Zazz and Zavok, the Zeti Brothers would've been a lot better. IMO
Sex incarnate
Generic incompetent supervillain
"Wise sensei"
pixar abomination
A bunch of hyper-safe cartoon characters and the obligatory character everyone on earth is going to want to fuck
But instead of keeping her around they're obsessed with keeping the Bowser one around even though literally no one likes him
>man just wants a place to call home
>gets labeled as a villain
i kind of like the wario/waluigi contrast they have, i like zeena's design too but 5 of the bastards is just too much.
typcal villain crew situation with just the tree of them as a chucklefuck villain trio with their own motivations instead of the weird eggman bitchboy task force they are
Disney Pixar's Inside Out
Something from a mid to late 2000's CGI cartoon.
get rid of all of them except the red and green ones and they'd be fine
you mean the pink and green.
I find Lost World to be a lot more embarrassing for the franchise than Sonic 06. Sonic 06 might have been a disaster, but at least it stuck to its guns and tried to be a 3D Sonic game. Lost World was Sonic Team trying to piggyback off of Mario too much. They even made Bowser the penultimate bossfight.
>Man squats on other people's property without permission
>Man expects free room and board
A broken game will always be the worst, suck it.