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Smell that Xbro fear

>b-but xbox!
rent free


i bet on my life it'll be $449 - $549 :)

It's 2006 all over again

Funny cause once again Sony is going to dominate the console market like they have since the original Playstation and all you fags will have to scream about is 600 dollars. Not even a Snoyboy but you people are pathetic.

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So? The price is only an issue for the unemployed living their mom's basement.

Contributing members of society will have no problem getting one.

so its cheap?
dont you get that its half of a good phone?
do you honestly believe 600 today is worth the same as they were 15 years ago?

Hi /asp/

/wooo/ is better

since most of the people on this board get their money solely from christmas and birthdays then yes that's a lot for them

you had one job

microsoft has so much money from azure they can afford to lose
sony can't though

I don't care, my onlyfans gf will buy it for me.

What? are you poor?

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>30fps with texture pop in
don't you wish they had made it with more expensive parts instead of making sure your mom could afford it for you

My dad is Sony, and he said it won't be more than 449 USD. Screencap this post.

Microdick should uppercut them and price the xbox at $500, they would take a huge chunk of their market

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600 dollas aint shit.

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That's really expensive, but when DQXII gets announced, I'll gladly pay out $660+tax so I can play it.

to be honest I think it will be even more than that

consoles have been stuck at 300 to 400 dollars for over a decade now (not counting the extremes that caused backlash like the 600 dollar ps3 or the 500 dollar xbone)

SSD tech and inflation and tech just generally costing more now was bound to raise the price


>no backward
>tranny shit
>no games
>too expensive

consolefags should hope it has enough hardware in it to cost as much as a new phone, otherwise it's gonna be a decade of 30fps shitposting

onex released for 500 dollars and there was no problem, because it was a "premium" console twice as good as the competition

Sony dun goofed!

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this is way more acceptable to be honest the ps3 was 600 dollars in fucking 2006 when consoles traditionally never even passed the 300 dollar mark

ps4 was 400 and no one complained because xbox was 500

now we're at 600 14 years after sony made ps3 600 thats honestly not even bad in retrospect

SSDs are a part of why they're so expensive and again the scaling isnt as bad as you think smartphones went from being 400 max to 800+ and even 1000+ as far as iphones are concerned in the span of like 4 years

>no backward
PS5 will be bc with Ps4 games

It'll be 30fps either way cause some retarded tranny dev will write their game engine in opengl and not optimize at all
thank god microsoft doesn't allow cuck APIs on xbox


>what is inflation my brain is trapped by a decade old meme

fuck poor people, aka niggers.

>blame it on inflation
$600 was too expensive then and it's too expensive now

Ok there's an asterisk but the most popular games should be playable

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I would happily pay 600 for a PS5 if it was fully BC and had a few good exclusives in the works. It's either that or build a new rig that will cost 800-1000 for something equivalent.

what is wages not rising along with inflation you dumb motherfuck

its literally a placeholder ps4 was a $1000 when it was a placeholder

ps3 had a 499 option, for this the 599 will be the 800 GB version, 2tb will be 699 or 749.99 LOL

why the fuck would anyone get the weaker console?

and please don't give me the usual bullshit about sony shitsclusives, I've played them all on youtube and some I've had to shut off after 30minutes

Why would anyone buy a PS2, the OG XBOX was more powerful. Right?



500 dollars in a time where consoles had never even passed 300 (except a few weird ones from the old days) was still a massive fuck up

>$600 is too expensive for a machine you're going to use as your primary form of entertainment for the next 5-8 years
consoleshits, what is wrong with you

Everybody is going on about ps5 being$600 but in the off chance the series X is $600 what happens then? Will it be ''"okay'''because it's Microsoft?

It's Ridge Racer!

It was £599 so it will probably be more than $600

You underestimate how badly Sony makes Zig Forums seethe.

>poor people bitching
What else is new?

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>Pay $750 for a console
>Have to pay for online
>To use shitty controllers, p2p matchmaking, no exclusives
>Just to have a worse PC with tranny support

>2006 $599 PS3
>2013 $399 PS4
Adjust to 2020 inflation rates
>2020 $759 PS5 (equivalent to ps3 price)
>2020 $439 PS5 (equivalent to ps4 price)
If this shit costs more than $449 get mad at sony and force them to reduce the price, dont shill a for profit good from a multinational company you retards

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Show what you have then wannabe rich

Poorfags seething as usual.

you do realize most trannies play on PC right? anyone could go on steam and find a tranny/furry/weebshit/brony profile in under 30 seconds

Sony was a fucking huge mistake

That was a lot for a console back in 2006 but life is more expensive now. If thats the real price of the PS5 I wouldnt expect the Xbox be cheaper than 550 bucks