Lol, so true

lol, so true.

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>my weebshit is better than your weebshit


That's right. Does that anger you?

>Dragon Quest not the most entry level white bread JRPG series ever made

i play games in all of these tiers

Separate chrono trigger and chrono cross because triggerbabies can't handle cross at all.
>phantasy star

dragon quest is literally designed to be the most generic entry level shit

No because I don't like cringy weeb garbage. Everything on that list is trash anyway.

yeah, and it's based because it filters ADHD ridden westerners.

>Legend of heroes

I fall asleep just thinking about those boring ass games
Not to mention they're hyper weeaboo shit

Reminder that entry level doesn't automatically mean bad. Dragon Quest is stagnant shit

>Everything on that list is trash anyway.
Want to know how I can tell you haven't played any of them?


>people still reposting this lazy 8 year old image

It hurts to read that name . I just want one more that doesn't suck .

Pro tip: Sky and Cold Steel aren't the only LoH games in existence.

which ones of them did you play?

where the fuck is persona

I don't need to play them to know they're bad. It's anime weeb cancer so it's automatically garbage for that fact alone.

bruh moment

So basically it's just you trying to be a contrarian. Can you objectively justify any of these choices?

Move SMT to Weeaboo Shit.

Remove Valkyria entirely

weeaboo shit, dumb newfag.


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Valkyrie that is -- not Valkyria.

Explain how this list is contrarian


Its GREAT you illiterate half breed. A GRATE is a piece of metal over a drain!

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cringe and normiepilled

Reminder that Persona is now entry level shit

>fire emblem and mother are entry level
you haven't even played them have you

>it's X so it's automatically Y
your mentality makes you very vulnerable to manipulation user, let me have a question, do you have a strong opinion wether which console is better?

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The entire "Dangerously Otaku" tier is more normalfag than the "Weird Guy" tier besides maybe Tales

Cos it's gay

To be fair, this was made in 2016 before P5 normalized SMT.

>dragon quest higher than persona
>lunar pleb tier
>not separating xenogears, xenosaga and Xenoblade

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Mother is peak onions, there isn't a single redditor on the planet who hasn't played it because it makes them look quirky and mysterious.

>>dragon quest higher than persona

kys weeb

>do you have a strong opinion whether which console is better?


>So poisoned by the internet, he thinks extremes equal the status quo

So typical it hurts.

Way to ruin any decent opinion, esl

if anything it's the opposite
they get filtered by the grind required for the first boss and pretend to like it because you can't have a dissenting opinion on reddit

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Even then Persona 4 was pretty popular outside of the standard JRPG crowd.

If you're judging the quality of a game by who plays it then you're Normie tier fucking trash.

>boring ass gameplay higher than Persona

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>If you're judging the quality of a game by who plays it then you're Normie tier fucking trash.
If a normie can beat it without dropping it, then it's garbage for casuals. Simple as.

weebs arent into mecha you retard, they are into moeshit and shonenshit

now you're judging the quality of a game by it's difficulty

whoever made this is retarded

Where does Mega Man X Command Mission lie?

You know almost every game on that list was made for japanese children right?

anyone who is into mecha is by definition a weeb

Yeah, you gonna cry about it?

user, you know DQ is literally the Final Fantasy of Japan? Every game is entry level.
You're literally acting like DQ is some hardcore jrpg that people can't get into.

Based retard

peak autism

did you ever beat wizardry 5? if not you're a normie pleb

What if I like all of them?

this is what you look like

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Move SMRPG to Casual

.>he didn't like the .hack quadrilogy

it's lonely at the top haha...

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damn. is it really this easy to get 4 from insecure weebs (5)?

Reddit loves weebshit though

nice strawman, oh frothing retard. i didn't say you're a normalfag for not beating a game, i said a game is made for casual plebs if it can be beaten by normalfags.

redditors also loves using this term, if you're anything to go by.

>playing Jap games
Fuck the Japs, I won't forgive them for what they pulled that fateful day on December 7th, 1941

>Weeaboo shit
Say that to my face, motherfucker.

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I always laugh at those shitty ranking pictures.
To begin with, just saying "X game is better than Y. End" its so shit.

Go to sleep grandpa

massive cope, seethe harder persona cringe baby.