Crash Bandicoot New Design

Are you ready for your orange rat to die again?

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Other urls found in this thread: bandicoot&page=1

>good morning
Zig Forums takes place in EST
good night.

That's not Crash, that's his gay cousin, Brash.

He’s referencing that one Robin Williams bit

That’s obviously a figure for the mobile app, he’s literally holding phone.

Crash get iphone


99% of Zig Forums has never even seen GMV.

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Eh. Crash seems like one of those characters that you could redesign for every new instalment and it wouldn’t be a big deal so long as the design looks good.

he cute

I doubt this is the new game's model, if you look at the 2D art on here, it is absed on the new mobile game design which is genuinely a great model so I reckon we will get something more like that. bandicoot&page=1

Better than his shitty N. Sane Trilogy design

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This springs to mind.

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More like Trash

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Looks more like a bandicoot than any other iteration of Crash.

Just fix the ears and the eyebrows and it looks perfect

I could be a boomer and complain about him taking a selfie, but that design looks pretty good, actually. Way better than the N. Sane Trilogy design.

Crash never looked like the image on the left outside of their design meetings.

what did they do to Tawna

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That's because of PS1 limitations

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Tawna was never going to survive a redesign still looking like a Don Bluth babe. But even so, that's fucking awful.

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He's got that Evil Crash build. Broad shoulders long skinny arms

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>saying this while posting a cartoon with nothing but references and wanking of the 80/90s

Good fucking riddance. I still remember the 360 game and what you did to him, you fucks.

The PS1 Crash, which N. Sane Trilogy resembles pretty closely, is FAR better than the ugly "Willy Wombat" design.


>With a cellphone because ?
Yep, just as predicted, the restyle fucked it. It was good while it lasted bros

>turn bombshell into snarky lesbian with coloured hair

every time

The mobile app design still has the pink muzzle. The pants design are also different in the figure.

Is twana bad now?
>Inb4 these fucks make Pinstripe/Twana canon

That's Crash 2 concept art

Crash has always been a retard and Coco has a laptop and plays with a cellphone or video games or whatever the fuck in the PS1 games too, what are you sperging about you faggot

lmao what the fuck. Coco looks alright, I guess

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>he hasn't seen Good Morning Vietnam
Stop deflecting, user.

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coco's mobile redesign was pretty bad, so I'm glad at least she made it out okay

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Everyone looks good except Tawna, but I guess that design wasn't gonna survive -current year-

You dumb Zoomer cunt. Crash was never DreamWorks goofball tier. He was looney toons whacky with a shit eating grin. Fucking kill yourself with a rake you absolute Zoomer cuuuuunt

>coco's mobile redesign was pretty bad
agreed, they took the N. Sane design and made it trash by giving her ugly eyeballs

Attached: Crash-Bandicoot-Mobile-2.jpg (844x704, 255.35K)

look at the other merch, he still has that vibe

it's literally the same as N. Sane

No he doesn't you fucking imbicle. You have no idea what you are talking about

Looks like a redesign by the Spyro Reignited artist

yes he does you absolute fucking retard

except it literally isn't

Here's your new antagonist Zig Forums

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That's fucking disgusting and I may actually not buy the game because of it.

I dig the new logo

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I'm not seeing the difference between Crash making a dumbass face during a selfie vs making a dumbass face while being blown up and turning to ash. Coco makes the exact same face while doing the same pose.