Finally bored with this game

Is there any other game where the gameplay is comparable?

Attached: MGSV.jpg (1920x1080, 448.51K)

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>Finally bored
How many hours do you have in-game, op?


Play with the Quiet switched with Eli mod, you’ll get 20 more hrs of playtime at lease

Infiltrating high level FOB's.

Plat it yet?

Breath of the Wild is very similar, but much better.

No switch
can't play with a shitty pc

>invade high level fob
>defender joins
>shoot him directly with grenade launcher 6 times
>doesn't die
>shoots you once with silenced sleep grenade pistol that instantly puts you to sleep
>infinite stun locks you with jehuty

I miss fob invasions when the game just came out and there wasn't exponentially stronger gear from autistically grinding limited online events.

Huh. got 202 hours out of the game before finishing it. Didn't even do multiplayer shit. In any case, I don't have any real suggestions for comparable gameplay, but I guess Project I.G.I is pretty close in feel. You're basically infiltrating mountain bases in huge open environments. The A.I. isn't great, it devolves into firefights more often than not, and it's mechanically dated, but it might be fun. The Delta Force games also have big environments and "infiltration" like gameplay.

Ghost Recon Wildlands might be able to scratch that itch if you try and play it as a sneaking simulator. I played it with a buddy and the most fun I had with the game was planning and infiltrating bases and staying sneaky as long as possible.

>Breath of the Wild is very similar
Literally how

If you enjoy the stealth then I highly recc Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.

I'm playing. I'm up to Mission 14: Lingua Franca. I've done almost all the side ops already. If memory serves, I am at 26% completion. My mother base is structurally maxed out. I like doing the side ops because I have collected so many A+ staff that way. I balloon everyone and then I kick out anyone with the troublemaker trait. I've developed all the items I can. I am pleased with my loadout. Although I take the sniper rifle tranquilizer with me, I really enjoy sneaking up on people and choking them out or slamming them to the ground.

Game is a ton of fun. I play on the pc. This is the first Metal Gear game I have ever played. I am far from bored with this game.

Played it. Gameplay isn't nearly as smooth as MGSV

It's an open-world game full of copy/pasted content that's about organically engaging with enemy encampments and experimenting with all the cool little reactionary elements. Also Link has a ponytail.

What about nuHitman? Have you tried those? Not exactly similar to MGSV, but it is an enjoyable stealth/assassin sandbox.

If you're playing MGS V then you have a PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 or Xbox One.

4 out of those 5 systems can play Splinter Cell Blacklist...

Look, man, if you're looking for smoothness, you won't find anything to match up with it. They did a hell of a job on the animation system and the feel of moving about and skulking around the environments. There's nothing close to it, imo, and you're gonna have a hard time finding stuff that compares favorably to it.

I have a laptop; that's what I play on because I mostly don't even play modern games

Operation flaashpoint, the original. For the sneaky shooter parts. Plays a lot like Ground Zeroes on hard difficulty setting, but with more jank and more realism.

What in the fuck are you talking about?

It's an open-world game full of copy/pasted content that's about organically engaging with enemy encampments and experimenting with all the cool little reactionary elements. Also Link has a ponytail.

>more jank
I want less jank

I think Dishonoured matches up pretty well

Open world games are boring in general.

Ghost recon Wildlands, it's way better in coop and if you turn most of the HUD off.
You might also want to not use drones because they make spotting enemy patrols way too easy.

Attached: 20190217173211_1.jpg (2560x1440, 247.84K)

Prove it

>tried to roleplay as Venom Snake
>enemies have BS detection and isn't fun
Ghost Recon sucks for stealth



MGSV has babby detection on normal difficulty. It's so easy it's not even funny. The AI is completely retarded. Ubishit games are of course even worse in every aspect but MGSV is hardly good, at least not on normal.

They had to dumb it down to make it work in the open world. Things are more dynamic, more sightlines and more enemies in general. If it was as tough as past MGS games it wouldn't work

Works on my machine

Past MGS games let you stand 10 feet away and be invisible cause of cone line of sight.

>X-ray vision that auto-tag enemies in an area
A even more dumbed down game than mgsv, pass.

Sometimes dumb is fun

Real fun is covering yourself in mud and twigs and sitting still for 5 days peeing and shitting yourself so you dont miss out on getting that 1 sniper shot.

Name one game