A legend forgotten by time

A legend forgotten by time.

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I knew zero people who ate doritos with mountain dew.

dorito pope is still alive and well, the most ironic part is how he turned out to be the least corrupt of that whole bunch

I know zero people who play nintendo systems, doesn't mean they don't exist.

In hindsight, it seems taking sponsors from outside the industry was better than taking sponsors from within the same industry.

>least corrupt of that whole bunch


the least corrupt was ironically ign.
They take money for their reviews but they never joined with the cabal to blacklist and coordinate attacks on people. And honestly every game reviewer since forever has taken money. I'll gladly take IGN over anyone else nowadays.

Mountain Dew is fucking disgusting

No u, shill.

I think they're owned by the same company

it's not like I'm saying to listen to reviews (they're all retarded and in the modern age when you can get footage of agame usually weeks in advance, uncut, and without commentary), just that IGN was the best of a very very bad bunch.

I had to do it because I saw the memes. It didn't pair well

mtn dew is pepsico, doritos are fritolay, but yes, fritolay is owned by pepsico.
The meme was basically because halo had the marketing deal with pepsi for mtn dew, and then doritos later, and those two brands have basically just become the game whoring brands. Any game that needs a marketing push? You push to mtn dew and doritos.

Nah, they’re all retarded and IGN is one of the worst. From being shit at games to outright plagiarising a review.

I'll take being shit at games and plagiarising reviews to literally fucking devs for good reviews and coordinating massive press pushes to coordinate a narrative you want spun.

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>part of gamers are dead
>gave gone home 10/10
>ign is the best
No u, shill

I tried both because of the memes. Both Mountain Dew and Doritos tasted terrible, but I couldn't stop eating them. They're like cigarettes and alcohol.
I stopped eating that crap years ago, and I still crave it. I can feel the wood texture of the doritos covered in gross dust, I can still taste the wet cardboard after taste of eating a dorito.
I don't have much of a craving for foods that I actually like. I like Dr Pepper, but I don't remember how it tasted.

>ign part of gamers are dead
they literally weren't.
They were the ONLY major gaming publication that wasn't.

He got the last laugh and the last bag

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I'm going to buy both tomorrow to honor the industry

You need a cold iced Dew in a can to wash away the cardboard texture

Don't do it. It's not some epin meme to say that stuff is genuinely both terrible and very addictive. Doritos do taste like some weird combination of cardboard, saw dust and artificial flavor dust. Mountain Dew doesn't taste like anything but very sugary water with some genetic acid in it that kind of numbs the sugar so even though it's extremely sugary it's not very sweet.

You fucking inept retard. I bet your IQ is less than 2.

>You fucking inept retard. I bet your IQ is less than 2.

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I fucking hate this piece of shit so much

incredibly based


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