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Which Dark Souls was the Best?
Jordan Thomas
Jace Miller
Luis Ross
2 unironically
Ryder Wood
3 is my favorite. I don't understand why everyone hates it. I can understand thinking 1 is better but atleast 3 doesnt totally fucking drop off after the half way point.
Robert Stewart
anyone that says bb or des, your moms a hoe
Zachary Ortiz
Angel Sullivan
Connor Hughes
bb and des aren't dark souls games
1 is blatantly the best in terms of the experience of a first play through. 2 for pvp. unfortunately the right opinion here is also the safest.
3 is good but gets pretty boring, similar to how boring 2's pve experience is but 3 has better controls and game feel so its not quite that bad.
Tyler Bell
Brody Butler
2 is soulless trash and 3 is just a worse version of 1.
If you dissagree then you're gay.
Dylan King
>bb and des aren't dark souls games
i know but there are always special snowflakes that have to come in these threads and say one of them
Daniel Butler
Oliver King
1 > 2 (PVP) > 3 > 2 (PVE)
Since you said Dark Souls I'm not even going to bring DeS and BB into it.
Jason Myers
DS1 was the best thematically
DS2 had the best pvp
DS3 had the best mechanics
Personally I like the first the most.
Jose Edwards
hmm the game with stronger PVP outlives the game with stronger PVE. can't imagine why. Oh but it barely even beats it, how pathetic.
Isaiah Reyes
Nathaniel Wilson
Colton Bailey
this nigga just got the gold medal in mental gymnastics.
Christopher Gonzalez
How is Dark souls 2 soulless?
Ayden Garcia
Gonna have to go with this. Don't get me wrong, I like 2, but it's weaker than the other two entries.
Carter Gutierrez
Anyone noticed Das3 is just DeSHD
Dark souls 3 has the best boss fights and anesthetics
Justin Phillips
Bad taste
Thomas Reyes
Ethan Lee
ah yes I do enjoy the anesthesia in dark souls 3
Nathan Hughes
I enjoyed them all. Had more fun with them than any other AAA games from the last few years
Juan Perry
You ever used a phone retard
Jeremiah Cook
>phoneposter calling people retarded
Aiden Evans
Your favourite one
Dominic Morgan
I think 1 was the best simply because it gated bonfire warping. 2 and 3 don't really feel like proper adventures to me because of it.
Charles King
>I don't understand why everyone hates it
no one hates any of the Souls games outside of Zig Forums
Jaxon Myers
will elden ring be good bros?
Julian Sullivan