Tired of Hearthstone and I want to try a new card game...

Tired of Hearthstone and I want to try a new card game. Should I take the fa/tg/uy pill and play Magic the Gathering Arena? What about Gwent? Or Artifact?

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Dont bother. Mtg is megapozzed. Keep playing hearthstone

all card games suck shit, if you aren't cock guzzling the current meta you will lose unless you are standard queuing against retards.
magic is alright since theres a physical version and you can play unrestricted for fun.
is there commander in mtga yet?

Played a tonne of hearthstone and then moved to MTGA. Hearthstone is a lot more casual and less fun

dont play ccgs
you will never have anything close to a full set (or even a few competitive decks) in mtga unless you shill out $50+ every expansion
lor is the only one i've played where i don't really think about conserving resources; i can usually make whatever i want without paying
that said it's still an online ccg, and you shouldn't play those

>Magic the Gathering Arena?
Same hearthstone model but ran by literal jews. Its fun but the longer you play the more you realize wizards has lost all sanity when it comes to standard in the last 4 or so years and they show no signs of snapping out of it. I'm talking printing standard cards that are vintage power level every other set and have to be banned. They recently had to change AN ENTIRE MECHANIC because it was that fucking broken as shit, no refunds btw.
Never played it besides the witcher 3 version so idk. I hear they remake the mechanics a lot though which is a bad sign
1.0 is dead, as in like double digit playerbase dead. 2.0 is closed beta that you can only sign up for if you owned 1.0 before they announced the new version. Even then you still have to win a lottery system to get a copy.

Don't give WotC money

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Check out Legends of Runeterra. Best ccg on the market, bar none.

Fuck off tencent marketer

Does yugioh online exist?

Yes but its 3rd party clients that just let you have all the cards right away.
Alternatively you can play duel links which is like a kiddie version of the game with smaller boards and resources.

Gwent is still the most f2p friendly card game out there
You can easily get a tier1 deck in a couple days of playing without paying any money
also there is a new expansion coming at the end of the month so its a good time to try it

Haha right.

what the fuck

>its not fake
the fuck is this?

Magic's a great game, but Arena has real problems with netdecking. You end up with two or three decks every new meta that are the most obnoxious shit to play against, and that's all you end up playing against.

You can play it free to play, but you have to have some serious tolerance for bullshit. Sometimes you'll face the same aggro netdeck five times in a row and just have zero fun for two hours of play time.

You think Hearthstone's business model is jewish? Wait til you get a load of mtga.
The gameplay is better simply because there's actual interaction and decision making, but the card design is just as bad as hearthstone nowadays.

Don't play arena. It focuses on standard, which is literally the worst it has ever been at the moment.

I quit arena last week.
The game mechanics are great but the meta is always stupid. Endless possibilities but in the end you are playing against a handfull of decks all the time.


Press F to pay respects


WotC now have their own Ministry of Truth

>its still up in russian
Feels good to be one

Aggro decks have not been meta for a good long while now. Also, they're not nearly as cancerous to play against as some slow-ass control bullshit.

Looks like this was an offending image?? Reading up on it for a little bit and seems that the image of crosses was what caused the ban.

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On the other hand they used to ban cards like this because the pentagram in a fantasy game was offensive to boomer christians.

Attached: download.jpg (258x195, 12.01K)

>BLM is basically as stupid as Satanism Moral Panic

absolutely based argument user

it was because of "racism" m8

Can someone explain?

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niggers good
whitey bad

>whites are automatically virtuous

wtf wizards!

makes me wonder if magic is going to go the way of the dodo soon and if this is just an attempt to get attention, what with the view numbers of Arena on twitch being fucking abysmal and LGS' getting shafted by corona.

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Says a lot considering how unfun MTGA is.

You mean the "all white creatures get +1/+1" part and not the art itself?
It's all so tiresome.

It definitely seems like a marketing move and trying to fit in with the crowd/latest event.

In my exp, it’s impossible to play f2p if you wanna build more than one deck.

>You mean the "all white creatures get +1/+1" part and not the art itself?
god only knows what goes on inside the heads of wotc employees but this is their statement


Oh fuck they want to ban Dockside Extortionist because he's "anti-semitic"!

Oh no no no no bros!

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Then why did they delete all the art and not just that one?

This is only the beginning btw, they're going through every card they've made and banning them based on perceived racism

>90% of the games are just spending 15 minutes waiting for your stupid shitskin opponent to play their budget netdeck

No, it isn't fucking worth playing until they get rid of all the reddit streamers and segregate servers by region. That'll never happen though because that's all the revenue since they scared away all their fans with moronic balancing and shitty SJW virtue signalling. The last few seasons have been pure shit and they ban cards regularly almost immediately after print now because they hired retarded marxists to do jobs that only humans can do.

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