How do I get into mahjong? Like seriously, this thing looks like it requires autism to understand how it works

How do I get into mahjong? Like seriously, this thing looks like it requires autism to understand how it works.

Attached: Local rabbit playing mahjong with 1 int.png (1920x1080, 2.58M)

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Come on, mahjong is a popular game in East-Asia andd since most people are neurotypical, it cannot require autism. You make hands. There's slightly more hands than in Poker or something, but the amount you need to memorize is a hundredth or less to what people routinely memorize for games like Dota.


I dread having to do mahjong in Yakuza. I haven't started zero yet, but I'm going to, but I heard it's hard to 100% due to mahjong.

Perhaps because I'm unfamiliar with it, but there are too many terminologies that the players have to memorizes. And what the hell is Yaku and how do people remember all of those to play efficiently?

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what does it feel like to be obsessed with eceleb ocksucking? do you get paid atleast?

I’m no expert by any means, but once you remember all the yakus you are pretty much set. I think luck factors quite a bit in mahjong, so you’ll win at least a bit unless you are abysmal. Just learn a couple of easy to get ones for starters, or just try to riichi all the time.

Yaku are to Mahjong as winning hands are to poker. If you have a complete hand that doesn't have at least one "win condition", it can't win and people make fun of you on Zig Forums when you ask why you can't win

Attached: noYaku.jpg (3300x2550, 2.39M)

>get yaku
And remember that if you call Kan then you're engaging fun mode, and mahjong players HATE fun.

Kan is is putting aside the 4 same tiles, right? Why do people hate that, because it can potentially cut off a huge amount of combinations of tiles other players can get?

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What a fucking rubbish hand.

i struggle to find 4 people who want to play

No, it uncovers another dora. Imagine your opponent sitting on tanyao tenpai with like 2 pairs of triplets .You call a kan and now suddenly he has a triplet of doras, making his hand worth three times more.

>get a set of either the red/green squeaky lines or empty white tiles
>once you secured a set of these you can play matching tile however you like just click whatever button pop up until you win
>some time you will randomly get furiten. its the game being stupid and make you cant win this round but don't worry about it there are always next round
>if you dont have any of those color tiles try to get the black squeaky lines
>all these black squeaky line all look the same so just get all 4 kinds and just click shiny button when it pop up
>if you feel like a chad just dont takr other discard tiles because you don't take other people sloppy second, draw everything yourself
>eventually some gold letter button will pop so you click it and watch the game play itself

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When you play online versions where you don't have to memorize how to set up the board and the wind stuff is generally handled for you, it's pretty approachable.

It makes shitty 1 han hands become haneman and baiman because every kan call opens up an extra dora indicator

>someone calls riichi
>immediately turn my triplets into kans if given the chance

Had a legit laugh out of this because I can believe that some people play the game like that

Seriously, how long does it take for you guys to remember all these terminologies? Much less all those yakus?

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just remember Riichi (closed hand + throw in the free sex stick), Menzen Tsumo (don't open your hand like a nyaager, you're better than that), Yakuhai (at least one triplet of dragons, the round wind, or your seat wind), 7 Pairs, Tanyao (no 1's, no 9's, no winds, and no dragons) and Pinfu (no triplets, no yakuhai tiles in the pair, and winning off of a 2 sided wait) and you'll be leagues ahead of basically everyone on Zig Forums

Why did last night thread got 404? There were cool anons sharing games and stuff. It's because OP is a faggot and can't start a thread without baiting or because I don't want to go to /jp/

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The terminologies come pretty quickly, but you'll have a yaku reference open pretty much constantly. It seems daunting but after a couple dozen games you get a feel for what hands to expect. When you're beginning, aim low and don't 'open' your hand by stealing someone's discard when you're trying to get a concealed hand in the first place.

Watch Akagi, Saki or just keep playing

Remember to PON
Remember to CHI
Remember to KAN
And most importantly, remember to act smug as fuck when you manage to somehow win, pretending that you knew exactly what you were doing.

>7 Pairs
Wait, that's allowed? I thought the rule specifically says that it must be 3 suits + 1 pair?

Explain like I'm retarded. What is Dora?

Its not at all hard to understand the basic rules and win some low ranking games at Tenhou,

Like maybe 1 day tops, a couple more to get comfortable.


Yeah - it's one of the only two exceptions (the other being Kokushi Musou, aka 13 orphans)

Literal bonus points - every dora tile in your winning hand doubles your score

wait what's a han?
i thought i needed yaku

host da room

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So I literally just have to have the same tile?

Are you talking about the not-YGO thread yesterday?

There is a tile in the wall that is face up, that's the dora indicator (pic related).
If you have the next tile in your hand in this case 3 of dots (pin), each one gives you an extra yaku when you calculate points.
Those not count as yakus when you're trying to make a winning hand

Attached: dora.jpg (512x384, 33.97K)

what are some nice lewd mahjong single player games so i cant learn?
the klonoa strip mahjong game cant be played on my browser

Thread had arcade and PC games anons sharing games and stuff
I miss them

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>Room #74806
Please be gentle, it's my first time. Or am I supposed to copy paste the link here?

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>push hard for a chinitsu
>throw away a green dragon then 2 appear soon after
>complete three bamboo triplets
>can't find a fucking peacock for shit
>get ronned
>could've had Ryuuiisou or settled for a Honitsu instead

fuck my life brehs I play way too greedy. But then again sometimes I play way too defensive with holding too many honor tiles that I don't even build a hand of my own in time.

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it's all chalked up to luck and a little bit of risk management
i had to stop myself from playing any more mahsoul because i realized it's all just hoping you get your meme yaku and release all your dopamine after way too many games in a row

sort of - the dora indicator "points" to the dora tile (1 -> 2, 2->3, etc.) to ensure there's always four dora tiles hiding in the wall.

>he doesn't call kan when he's in tenpai while his opponents are on riichi
>he doesn't hell wait into a pair of non seat, non round wind
>he doesn't build a full flush from scratch in the blind hope that everyone else's hands are going to be slow as shit
It's like you hate fun

Link is more annoying desu.
t. majsoul plus chad

> lewd mahjong single player games
There are tons of arcade mahjong games that can be played with MAME.
You can start with Lovely Pop Mahjong

Attached: 54231-Lovely_Pop_2_in_1_Jan_Jan_Koi_Shimasho_(J)-5.jpg (640x480, 99.89K)

>Room #74806
1 more opened slot. Get in here, mahjongchads.

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waiting on a "valueless" wind is an easy way to get a toitoi

Han are how your hands earn points. Roughly speaking, every han doubles your score. All yaku are worth at least one han, but there are things that give han that are not yaku, such as dora tiles.

i was trying to look up mahjong games to play on dlsite and came across this
was this used in one ot the sex kitten

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