Jap games at PC Gaming Show

Atlus: P3P, P4G
Sega: Yakuza Remastered Collection, Shin Sakura Taisen, Judgment
XSEED: Rune Factory 4 Special, Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town

Other stuff:
Bloodborne is coming to PC but I don't know if it will be announced today.
HZD releasing on PC very soon.
Now get this, I'm as baffled by this as you are, but suposedly Nintendo is going to publish something on PC. Ridiculous, I know, but it's true. No idea what it's going to be, but I imagine Astral Chain since it seems like the most realistic choice.
Kingdom Hearts is coming to PC but probably won't be announced anytime soon yet.

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> suposedly Nintendo is going to publish something on PC
Source? Lemme guess
> my ass

>Bloodborne is coming to PC

lol i cant wait when bloodborne is proven to not be revealed as the ps5 conference for PC fags pivot to
>I-I-It's not over yet guys! we still have the pc gaming conference!
when all the devs showing up literally got revealed already, none of which is sony or even fromsoftware

I exclusively play Jap games

oh u sweet summer consolefag...if only you knew :)

Give me new nu sakura taisen!!!

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I know your only source is a furry on Twitter that started the rumor to get attention to #blacklivesmatter

>s-see, fromsoft not confirmed guys
the port is by bluepoint for ps5 and qloc for pc, you absolute retard

oof, get on the right side of history trumptard? lol
also I'm my own insider

good thing niether qloc or bluepoint is showing up at the pc gaming show making the point irrelevant

When is this happening? What even is the schedule for "E3" shows now?

Oh wooooow, can't wait for shitty console games to get ported! Are all consoletards like 12 years old?

Bloodborne and HZD should be happening today at Sony event.
Atlus, Sega and XSEED are Satyrday at PC Gaming Show.
KH and Nintendo have no set date, just something I know is happening.

>should be happening today at Sony event.

Sony is announcing that third party FromSoft game is being ported to PC?
This is the stupidest thing to think even if Bloodborne is coming to PC.

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>PC fags still acting superior and smug despite not having or getting bloodborne

its honestly like clockwork

They're announcing it because it's a remaster that's coming to PS5 as well and it isn't done by From, but by Bluepoint and QLOC.

the sony event is to showcase PS5 games only, the chances of bloodborne being mentioned are zero

Give me a citation that isn't someone talking out of their ass from twitter or resetera.

And you know that from? Your ass, just a hunch? Notbmuch better than your average leaker then. You'll see today.

doubt it. building up from the psp version might not be worth it.

bro you just posted cringe

>Kingdom Hearts is coming to PC
Never ever, PC cucks. Keep coping.

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it's literally called the ps5 reveal event you retard

ok dude

Jesus op you fucked up. Delete the thread and try again in a few hours. Better yet, don't.

Wait what. P3P? I know P4G Steam has been leaked in the database but nothing about P3P.

Sakura Taisen would be great.

I doubt they would announce Bloodborne PC at a main Sony event.

What is your source about Nintendo publishing something on PC? If it is going to be Astral Chain at all, it won't be for quite a while, at least until it's done with it's DLCs/expansions on Switch.

>resorting to writing fan fiction to hype up the new PC announcements

>resorting to sucking cock to cope with your consolefaggotry

>but suposedly Nintendo is going to publish something on PC. Ridiculous, I know

No? Back when the Switch was still known as Project NX they confirmed in an investor presentation they'd be developing and releasing software for mobile phones AND PC. They then started releasing mobile titles 6 months later.

>resorting to seething to cope with your sloppy seconds and broken ports

>resorting to projecting because you got btfo and have no argument

>Nintendo is going to publish something on PC.

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>>resorting to projecting because you got btfo and have no argument
Oh the irony. How's your Blooodborne port, PC kek? You sure it's coming?

I don't play western games sorry

Y’all need to play judgment. Seriously best yakuza game there is.

When it comes to PC

Will do when it comes to PC. I can't believe they are releasing Yakuza 7 before Judgement.

xneed is not a dev