Why the fuck do people want to play Ciri in the next Witcher game ?

Why the fuck do people want to play Ciri in the next Witcher game ?
>Boring character with god tier magic abilities so there is litterally no challenge playing her, she can take a dragon easily.
>Boring timeline with near extinct witchers and overall peace on the Continent meaning the monsters will start to disappear again.
>Boring personality.
>Not even a real witcher so no mutations, no potions, no Signs, no witcher sense.
We could play during the witchers golden age, create our own witcher, explore the different Schools when there was still countless witchers on the roads, face monsters that have been long extinct in The Witcher 3, visit distant and exotic places such as Haakland, Zerrikania and Vicovaro, but no, they want to play Ciri. Wtf ?

Attached: ciri.png (280x370, 154.53K)

She's very pretty!

Wait, they're making a new witcher game?

They are trannies who want to pretend they are women through vidya, it's disgusting. Vidya with female protagonists sell like shit.

The world would be so beautiful without women, imagine how perfect Life is Strange would be with male Max, women ruin fucking everything.

Attached: Real Max.png (451x521, 321.35K)

yes, after Cyberpunk 2077. It's already in development actually.

some people just want to watch a woman's ass move while she runs. I know it was one of the highlights for me when I played Remember Me.

Why you people always use the ass excuse when 99% of the games you use that excuse on don't even have the camera focus on the character's ass?

You trannies try to hide your mental illness with coomer excuses, it's so pathetic.

No one does. Not even the Devs. They have said that they hate the idea of there being a Ciri cameo in CP2077.

After the Multiplayer Cyberpunk game. They are developing the two at the same time, but that is getting more attention right now than Witcher 4. Multiplayer CP is supposed to come out in late 2021/mid-2022, which probably means late 2022, early 2023 and then Witcher releasing a year after that.

I want Vesimir-aged Geralt

>No one does. Not even the Devs. They have said that they hate the idea of there being a Ciri cameo in CP2077.

Normal people don't but I made the mistake to go to reddit once (I know, I know...) and you can't imagine the number of people who want to play as Ciri facing god-tier absurd monsters with her magical superpowers in TW4.

>why do people want to play as a hot girl

Dont worry, user. In this day and age, its ok to be gay. You dont have to hide it. Just be open about it.

>MGR-style OTT spinoff with Ciri fighting massive overpowered shit across the multiverse

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I mean, when you have a girlfriend and a healthy sexual life, watching the ass of a hot girl while playing video game is pretty low on your list of priority. Although I can understand your incel opinion. I too would lose my mind over any virtual girl's ass if I was a virgin living in my mother basement.

>he thinks having gf and sex makes you stop appreciating hot girls in viyda


t. turbovirgin

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get a fucking load of this guy over here.

Attached: bqunu2ld0uwz.jpg (1322x1080, 78.6K)

this is either the greatest shitpost of all time or an actually for real serious no shit retard post

Attached: Yjb1Z.jpg (962x776, 131.44K)

Looks like someone is severely perplexed by some irrelevant men looking at pixels. Well, all you need to do for men starting to give attention to you instead of pixels is to lose weight. It's not even that hard, just eat less carbs, drink lot of water and do at least very light workouts. Nobody would take lardplanet who lashes out at pixels seriously, not to mention actually wanting to fuck her, no matter how much shaming attempts on the internet lardplanet does. Now how about you go hit the gym bitch.

That's reddit, they want their parents to die for voting for Trump, for churches to blow up with thousands of christians inside and to find a way to cure their depression and self steem

Their opinions are worthless.

>DMC style with dash of Monster Hunter with Ciri fighting massive OP shits across the multiverse

Attached: D9B55008-43BD-4F6F-A409-8B2FF833ABFF.jpg (1035x680, 170.14K)

Bruh, why would anyone lie on the internet, just like that?

It should if you love her.

Based. When will the gays finally deal with the female menace and convince the rest of us guys to just be bros (full homo)?

i've never read something more awful in my entire life

Soon. Wir müssen die Frauen ausrotten

All women will die, niggers will be slave again, chings will go back to hong kong and the world shall finally belong to white men who love white men.

Fucking reddit.

Literally a fucking Poochie during the whole game
>Ciri needs be more important, powerful and have access to time/dimesion traveling magic
>Whenever Ciri is not on screen all the other character should be asking: where's Ciri?

Because they're dumb.

Just set it with a totally different school, in like Zerrikania so the flora, fauna and monsters are completely different.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 139.76K)

>in like Zerrikania so the flora, fauna and monsters are completely different.

And we can have a bunch of "they made witchers niggers" threads for the next 20 fucking years as well

Gays on Resetera actually said they play as men when given the opportunity. Which makes sense since Zig Forums loves the idea of getting fucked in the ass & sucking dicks

>Zerrikanian is Arab inspired, with brown people
>Zig Forums complains about niggers

Yeah sounds about right.

>he says, while reddit spacing