What's your excuse for not playing fallout 1 and 2 yet?

What's your excuse for not playing fallout 1 and 2 yet?

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I have they were good I like the weird image quality

I first played both in around 2004 and again more recently in around 2015. Fallout 2 is meme trash but 1 was and still is a great game.

I played them both to death and grew tired of Fallout as of late. Tried playing Sonora recently but couldn't progress far

I played 1 rushing it. Awful.

Tried to play 2, got bored fast, too much stuff to do, easy to get lost, booh.

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i played through 1 last year and didn't enjoy it, not going to play 2

But I played both years ago. It's amazing how much better they hold up than the BG games.

already did and was sorely disappointed
fallout 1 is 20h long, very linear in spite of all the "choices" you can make because you are railroaded into a time constraint and there's very little content to explore on the sidelines
fo2 is bigger and more free but once again it's barely 40h long

Because I'm playing underrail on dominating

shit is boring

I already finished Fallout 2 multiple times.
More interested in gathering the IQ needed to play Tactics properly.

Why was the oil rig so half-assed? You just waltz in after planting a fat ass tanker right under the place and everyone there just doesn't give a shit.

San Fran also sucks in general. Game's just too long at that point and I've never felt assed to do any of the quests there, especially when they're so far out of the way and unremarkable.

Because I played them in anticipation of the release of Fallout 3 in high school. Never finished them, admittedly. Got bored.

I don't play western games

I don't play boomercore games.

>40 hours long
You speed running it or something? First playthough I did was like 60 hours long

Not sure if I wanna play an old turn based RPG with dated mechanic....

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I did. I never really understood the appeal of 2, even way back.

Oh, lovely, they've sent me a moron.

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The game was made in less than a year.

>Dated mechanics.
>Whilst playing JPRGS who use mechanics which are a decade older than Fallout.

Sometimes you people make me astounded.

just be warned, after playing Fallout 1 you'll never be satisfied with a Bethesda meme Fallout ever again

My PC is a potato and have to wait until my previous one got repaired. Those games are pretty good too, I was playing 2

idgaf what fat autismo incels who'd cut off a nut trying to fit in think, if it doesn't please me visually, i'm not gonna play it

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being adhd zoomer trash

already did

also, internet points to the guy who can guess what's happening in this webm

hint: the AI is not bugged

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I finished 1 again a couple months ago and have been in a playthrough of 2 since then, this time with the restoration project to freshen things up.
The first game is the greatest Fallout of all time hands down, it is flawless.
Fallout 2 on the other hand has always been a fucking slog until Vault City/Gecko/Reno.
Just finished fueling the tanker, let's close this fucker out.
Haven't touched 3 or NV since 4 came out, gonna just play through all the games in order after this to get reacquainted with the series. Diving back into the lore has been fuckin nice so far. I can't believe EPA was cut.

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I did run of both around two years ago. Honestly torn between which one is better. On the one hand F1 is way more tidy I guess, it's more straighforward and in general very well designed game. But it's very easy and frankly, small. On the other hand F2 is bigger, improved some mechanics and has some challenge at the beginning, when you are forced to run away from the most encounter and think each time if you actually want to engage the enemy. But it comes at the cost of inconsistent quest and location quality and in general game is a bit too big for it's own mechanics,

Also, how do your tribals manage to escape the oil rig without getting gunned down by the Enclave after their cells are opened?

>Fallout 2 is meme trash
You're just parroting Zig Forums retarded opinion.

F1 is boring. I have to give it another go but don't feel like it.