Well Zig Forums?

Well Zig Forums?

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nigga it's the same gun

Thompson was ruined by pasta-niggers using it on the streets of america

unless it's a drum mag I always use mp40 instead

M1 thompson is a meme. MP40 is just better

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PPSH > MP40 >>>>> Thompson

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Thompson is for World at War plebs and the MP40 is for Black Ops 1 chads. This is a debate?

i have never played a game where the MP 40 didnt shit on the thompson


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>Le drum mag meme

>Chad 45 with stopping power vs virgin 9mm with weenie power

Suomi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PPSH > MP40 >>>>> Thompson

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name 1 game with the suomi


ok, now name a good game with the Suomi


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The Thompson was a fatty.

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That isnt what goalpost moving is. He acknowledged the answer, then asked for another example.

Why not both?

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Disgusting piece of trash literally WHO thinks this is a good gun?

Come to think of it, Sten is okay too.

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Give me the PPS-43 for that "handmade in a Brazilian favela" energy

>9 mm
.45 all the way

>anglo "weapons"

classic shotgun

it was really good in cod ww2

>anglos in deep shit
>make proper use of remaining resources to make simple and yet effective weapons
>g*rms in deep shit
>dump all remaining resources in wunderwaffen and send unarmed old men and kids into combat

>Not picking the best of the best

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the guns were exactly the same in this game, the sounds were just different. which lead to the thompson "feeling" more powerful

Unironically the best SMG of WW2

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>he gives a shit about the weapons in games
i just pick the one with most damage

/k/ fags go back to your own board

this is a submachine gun thread, pellet niggers get out

Neither. Evolve.

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Springfield vs Kar98
who wins


Yeah, we need another Twitter screencap thread instead of this

>basic bitch smg
>neither good nor bad
>it's just "there"
i sleep

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Definitely the Garand.

Are wooden grips better than metal?