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*boredom sets in after 10 hours*

I got that. I had a lot of fun during the first good bit but eventually I just got bored and put it down

it's such a soothing game, but boy is it a slog to play.

Fuck.. I hated rain.

Yes and?

This, but to me that's still better than most open world games i have played. If the sequel can be the quality of early game for a good 30 - 50 hours with a good narrative/progression it'll easily be the best LoZ

Limits exploration and makes the game look ugly with a brown sky and green fart filter.

>This, but to me that's still better than most open world games i have played
even lousy open worlds like Oblibion and Skyrim manage to keep the player itnerested for 60-100+ hours

For everything this game does wrong it does like 5 right things before that, cant wait for the follow up

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nice N64 graphics bru

>having a dynamic interactive world is bad

It only limits exploration early game faggit. As you play you will find items and abilities which let you overcome this obstacle. Have you played video games before?

nah, I couldn't do skyrim even for a few hours. Mind you i played on console back in the day, but i just dont like bethesda open worlds in general. Oblivion was appropriately good for the time though

True. Meme on Skyrim all you want, but I've got hundreds of hours of entertainment out of that game over the years.
Never went back to BotW. Didn't see the point. Might jump back to Skyrim soon.

All they need to do is give us the Song of Storms in the sequel and it'll easily be the best Zelda bar none.


Have fun playing Skyrim. I mean that sincerely.

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it rained too often

Climbing is a meme anyway, the game is a lot more fun without it and paraglider. I wish you could unequip paraglider.

Paragliders should be able to rip and be mended, or buy a new one. Isn't it weird you can't customize your glider looking back?

they should have just used the korok leaf

Improvements for sequel:

>Weapons can be repaired at a blacksmith
>A couple bustling, populated towns lots of stores and side quests
>Interconnected underground tunnel system for dungeons to the open world
>More floating fortress type levels like the bird divine beast
>Swimming, underwater exploration
>A proper fucking boat and not a shitty raft
>Less rain
>Consumables heal over time, can be interrupted if hit
>Bring back bombs as a consumable item and make them powerful like bomb arrows
>Being able to magnesis objects you are standing on would be fun even if broken as heck

Graphics packs > Mods > Weather > Clear weather

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9/10 game tbqh

How do i check which shrines i've actually completed without warping to every single one of them and checking the actual structure? I've activated all 120 (i counted) and gotten all the chests but i'm missing one orb for the last heart upgrade, i thought i was missing one of the extreme tests of strength since i left those for the end but it turns out i've completed them all.

if its still orange you haven't completed it, including on your map

>How do i check which shrines i've actually completed
the completed ones are blue on the map the uncompleted but activate blue and orange

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>Less rain
How about some item/set/powerup that lets you overcome it? Hell even a reverted Song of Storms

Could be a shrine quest?

I agree with most of those except for swimming. Fuck water levels.
A boat would be cool but I don't know what it could do that a raft couldn't. I think a better way would be if you have to build your own boat out of shit you find, maybe make some welding torch to fuse shit together or something.

The one thing they should absolutely do is revamp the weapon system. I thought the durability system was good but I want a way to craft weapons so I'm not stuck just farming for good ones off lynels. And when my weapon breaks it should shatter into pieces I can pick up and use to craft new ones. Just make it like the cooking system.

when leftists and rightoids activated at once

>Weapons can be repaired at a blacksmith
I hate casuals like you. The reason why the plat was so fun is because you are underpowered, running around with twigs and you have to be creative to beat the camps or just dodge them. Having permanent weapons ruins this. Like when I was playing dark souls. Durability is just a waste of time because I never let my weapons break.

>a system that forces you to avoid combat is good

Ludo kino, rain is a time to relax and to stay under shelter to take in the atmosphere...

No i actually liked th weapon degradation, i just wish i could keep them in my inventory, take them back and get it repaired. Be rewarded for not throwing your weapon, whats so wrong with that? I didn't mind picking up enemy weapons afte breaking my shitty ones, that is both fun and resourceful

>if you don't like this shitty gimmick in this one game ur a casual xD

yep seething casual

stick to your Skyrim babi game kid and leave the adult games to us

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>just don't fight bro

>Pretty fun implementation of a mechanic most AAA games are afraid of
>A gimmick


Why you gotta be such a grumpy gus, little buddy?

>a gimmick

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All the little shrine icons are blue, but ill check again just to be sure.
No, i've done them all, this, ganon and the final master trials are all i've left to do before i backup my save and uninstall.