Gentlemen, it's a nuclear device.

Attached: 05BsdEsVdUigCmI0CY08Gh0-3.fit_scale.size_2698x1517.v1583789485.jpg (2696x1517, 307.85K)

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tank rushing simulator

t. iwat

Attached: 1591761996641.jpg (500x432, 146.41K)

Hello, iWat, you Polish fuck.


Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 10.13K)

time is running out.

tiberium dawn? more like rush apache simulator

how do I beat the mobius mission?
those stupid nigger civilians keep killing themselves

C&C? More like Engineer + APC rush simulator.

Build your base to the left and harvest that field, and/or wall off the tiberium

How can a game this able to be so polished in its presentation?

did they make it harder? I was doing some of the covert ops missions and they are just so brutal.

build wall

Welcome back, Commander.

We have something that you will find quite useful. A new weapon developed by our top scientists. Take a look at this.

Attached: Image-Sandbags.png (360x450, 245.3K)

The music is so fucking good.
Worth the cost of admission alone.
It's so clean now.

Where is the workshop mod to fix the shitty pathfinding?

Attached: 1586271860086.png (234x386, 77.45K)

CFE mod

Couldn't win hard mode missions without them. Gotta manipulate that AI pathfinding.

Jesus christ thank you. Shame it took modders to do it but what can you do.

I'm I'm a mechanical man.


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What was Kane doing in Italy when he found the Tiberium? He doesn't look italian.

Moldovan hookers.


Wall them in with sandbags. Build a refinery near the hospital to keep the tiberium in check.

Hey hey, Brotherhood. Seth here. A warm fuck you to the many members of the merchants guild, generously funding and bankrolling the GDI.

Attached: hey hey brotherhood, Seth here.png (364x383, 205.69K)

He said the Brotherhood found it, not him directly. He just named it.

Literally abuse the wall exploit
Oh excuse me
The wall mechanic

Surely he predicted it though

But he is the Brotherhood.

Where does Kane come from anyway? I doubt he hails from one of the shitholes they operate from.

Attached: setherino.jpg (1920x1080, 176.81K)

Like any other mission. Cheese with walls and engineers in APCs.

>Where does Kane come from anyway?
Some say he is Cain from Cain and Able, some say he's an Alien, some say he is some other biblical figure mentioned in the Quran

C&C1 is so fucking bad, Jesus. I never played it much back in the day but it's really fucking bad. RA1 is absolutely based though.