Does anyone else think that Sticker Star is a better game than Color Splash?

Does anyone else think that Sticker Star is a better game than Color Splash?

>Costs much less money than Color Splash at launch
>Was on a handheld and could have easily just been a cute little throw away spinoff if Color Splash hadn't shown up and taken a shit on everything
>Simple and straightforward, doesn't pretend to be something it isn't with a pseudo "epic" beginning with Peach and Mario venturing off to a "far away land"
>Not full of itself, doesn't act extremely proud of itself as if it's some amazing adventure. There isn't some massive "party" where all of the generic Toads are having a rave in the hub town when you get a paint star. When you accomplish something you just get a short story and that's it.
>Battle System isn't even as bad. You don't have to do a bunch of tedious bullshit. Combat isn't good but can be seen as a decent little combo building game. Color Splash was extremely tedious with the painting and the touch pad bullshit.
>Bowser Jr and Kamek show up to fuck with you and the bosses, while not particularly interesting or creative, aren't the fucking Koopalings
>The hurr durr paper puns and so forth are less prevalent and humor in general is far more retained where as Color Splash had the restraint and subtly of a clown on meth.

Color Splash is a bloated, drooling mess that acts extremely proud of itself because of the few small improvements it made over Sticker Star while pretending its immense bloat and other bullshit isn't there.

Sticker Star is objectively better than Color Splash.

Attached: p43xmguu.png (1000x954, 1.62M)

Both are shit

okay but they both suck

Anons, Superman 64 is shit. Sticker Star is mediocre at worst. Give it the credit it deserves, it's at least mediocre.

Can I also say, Stickers were made part of the world far more creatively? They were a physical thing in the world that you could peel off or stick onto things, not fucking battle cards.

Did any of you guys know? In Color Splash there was a Sledgehammer Bro that wore sunglasses.
It reminded me a lot of the Koopas from 64 and TTYD.
Why the fuck couldn't the basic enemies be more like this one?

Attached: PMCS_Shady_Sledge_Bro.png (391x343, 35.39K)

>does anyone else thinking drinking piss from a urinal is better than drinking piss from a toilet?

You only feel less bad about Sticker Star because you spent less on it.

>Give it the credit it deserves,
Okay. It's shit. Other then the Sound Design.



It really isn't shit, unless you think everything that isn't perfect is shit. In which case it's nice to talk to you Gilgamesh.

I mean spending 20$ on a mediocre game is better than spending 60$ on a mediocre game that retards scream is an amazing game.

if you only compare it to color splash then the comparison is more flattering but it's far from being a complete conclusion. if you compare sticker star to the rest of the franchise, sticker star looks like it's part of the decadence of the series.

No, I agree, Sticker Star is inferior to 64, TTYD, and even SPM. I just don't think isn't complete shit. I think it's a C - game. The issue is that it was the point where the series became mediocre.

>Sticker Star is objectively better than Color Splash.

that still doesn't make Sticker Star a good game.

That's like saying that FFXIII is better than FFXV. Both are still trash games.

It's a mediocre game. It's an okay game at best.
Reserve trash for the steam shovelware and such. SS had actual effort put into it and wasn't high off its own farts like CS.

Sticker Star isn't inferior to SPM.

Yes it is. SPM had better puzzles, story, characters, locations, mechanics, and even combat than Sticker Star.
Literally the 2D to 3D mechanic was better than the "apply sticker objects to areas" mechanics in Sticker Star.

>SS had actual effort put into it

Really? I couldn't tell from how bad the game was. I played like 2 chapters before selling the game in disgust

Sticker hard better puzzles, locations and what little writing it had was way above SPM.

SPM is poorly written, the level design is a load of plat planes and the puzzles are either braindead easy or overly long sequences disguised as puzzle that exist purely to pad out the games runtime.

Attached: non_Puzzle.png (870x627, 128.24K)

You have high standards and hate anything that doesn't meet them. Some people are okay with mediocrity or just C- games.

It really didn't. You're cherry picking the single worst puzzle from SPM as an example in your image.

I think we can all agree on this.

Attached: tier list.png (400x452, 122.42K)

>You have high standards

"being a good game" is high standards? I expecting something as good as the first Paper Mario and I didn't even get that

>You're cherry picking the single worst puzzle from SPM as an example in your image.

Here have another. I'm sure you'll explain how hitting blocks and running in place for 20 minutes so you can buy the clue is a good puzzle and not just padding.

Attached: Rubee.jpg (1280x720, 51.92K)

user, saying anything that isn't "good" is shit and that you'll quit it out of disgust is having high standards, yes. It's discounting the fact that mediocre to decent games exist that aren't really "good" but aren't bad.
Also the first Paper Mario is arguably the peak of the entire series, saying you "didn't even get that" is pretty stupid.

It doesn't take 20 minutes, not even close.
It's good because unless you're mentally retarded and the kind of person that'll grind experience in the beginning area of a jrpg to level up to level 99 off of level 1 slimes, you'll have enough braincells to investigate the mansion and find faster means to gather money and eventually find the vault.

Never mind the fact that the area is actually interesting with characters that have originality and not just sassy Toads that go "HURF HURF PAPER AND PUNS LMAO"

Megaman Battle Network for GBA did SS's battle system way better.

>Never mind the fact that the area is actually interesting with characters that have originality

The characters aren't interesting. They're completely inconsequential and the existence of the slaves contradict Mimi's "not actually being so bad" at the end. Because the writing is shit.


The characters fit the theme of the location and weren't generic Toads. Also, Mimi was bad. Just not irredeemably evil and she had a heel turn at the end. It was good writing.

>Also the first Paper Mario is arguably the peak of the entire series

no, that's Thousand Year Door. Paper Mario is okay, suffers from "first entry syndrome" where the devs have an idea on the game but don't know how to refine it.

Sticker Star was plain garbage. Hell, I can't think of any RPG that PUNISHES you for fighting

Because there are no friendly koopa NPCs in the game (except maybe one or two in the train level) so there is no need to differenciate ennemies with sunglasses.
The lack of diversity and unique characters is really a flaw in those games.

No, Color Splash is much better than Sticker Star.

>The characters fit the theme of the location and weren't generic Toads.

What did stereotypical black/white striped robbers and Egyptian themed Taskmaskers have to do with a European Mansion setting?

>Also, Mimi was bad. Just not irredeemably evil and she had a heel turn at the end. It was good writing.

Yeah that's why she kept slaves and revels when the Sammer Kingdom gets destroyed. You say you have standards...but you're defending complete bollocks with no sense of design...just because it's not Toads.

>Costs much less money than Color Splash at launch
Both were free for me
>Was on a handheld and could have easily just been a cute little throw away spinoff if Color Splash hadn't shown up and taken a shit on everything
The 3DS had a better game library than the Wii U
>Simple and straightforward, doesn't pretend to be something it isn't with a pseudo "epic" beginning with Peach and Mario venturing off to a "far away land"
And that's a bad thing
>Not full of itself, doesn't act extremely proud of itself as if it's some amazing adventure. There isn't some massive "party" where all of the generic Toads are having a rave in the hub town when you get a paint star. When you accomplish something you just get a short story and that's it.
Yes, it's that boring of a game
>Battle System isn't even as bad. You don't have to do a bunch of tedious bullshit. Combat isn't good but can be seen as a decent little combo building game. Color Splash was extremely tedious with the painting and the touch pad bullshit.
Both are extremely awful for similar reasons. All of the random battles that I got myself into, were because I got attacked into one
>Bowser Jr and Kamek show up to fuck with you and the bosses, while not particularly interesting or creative, aren't the fucking Koopalings
Instead of seeing boring characters that you've seen numerous times, here's some other boring characters that you've seen numerous times
>The hurr durr paper puns and so forth are less prevalent and humor in general is far more retained where as Color Splash had the restraint and subtly of a clown on meth.
Imagine making a thread about comparing an absolute piece of shit to another piece of shit. I don't care which one was better, I only care about the fact that I'll never have to play them again

No. It was shit and boring and I dropped it in under 5 hours. There was zero point fighting anything as all it did was give you stickers, but they only really mattered for the bosses and they had a specific sticker anyway.

This. Sticker star is not only a dissapointing paper mario, its also a bad designed game

They were slave drivers and the prison workers were slaves to Mimi. I'm sorry you have an IQ of 60 and the joke was too complex for you, dumbass.