Rome Total War

I really want to not suck at this game, any tips? I seem to really suck at overworld management, I'm ok at the battles. I love history Roman empire is my favourite era and I love Alexander and want to play Troy badly when it comes out but I just fucking suck at this game

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How do you suck at the campaign part of this game?

Rock the scissors and paper the rock.

How can I play this game on Windows 10? I have the Collection Total War Eras, and it doesn´t run when I install it. I never had any problem playing it on Windows XP

conquer as fast as possible
destroy enemy religious buildings and replace them with your own
lower the taxes
try to get by with as small an army as possible you dont need a fullstack to take that rebel city with 2 units

it works for me I'm running Rome Total War collection on steam

thanks user, I'll add these

Half of anything you can build is pointless as to getting back your investment in reasonable time. The money is better spent on more dudes to take more cities to generate considerably more income.

oh yeah one more thing
mercenaries are expensive as fuck their upkeep can be up to 2x higher than a unit you can train of similar quality so dont bother with them unless you see a fullstack enemy army coming for a not well defended city
but there are one or two mercs who are really good and worth it like cretan archers

I have it physical

Damn man I don't know then, I know it sucks but maybe try picking them up on steam they should be pretty cheap I'd imagine
thanks dudes

near lategame you are going to have 40 family members and these fuckers have really high upkeep and some of them will have traits that piss cities off
what i do is i load half of them onto a single boat in the middle of the ocean and wait for pirates to sink it
BOOM instantly regain 10k or so denarii per turn

>what i do is i load half of them onto a single boat in the middle of the ocean and wait for pirates to sink it

What the fuck, dude. Economy management in Rome 2 is piss easy, especially when you conquered greece and have the statue of Zeus at your disposal. You can literally get 100K denarii with Greek States in the first 10 turns. Also, General's Bodyguard are by FAR the best units in the game.



you can convert your physical code to steam. at least i could for my med2 tw.

make sure to develop economy. dont go straight to building barracks. some factions as soon as you move units out of cities with free upkeep they gona cost you alot and you will go to red numbers.
easiest way is to play a bit more defensively at begining, except for very few first turns where you should take few rebel settlements nearby.
game is seriously not hard.
also remember you can train peasants and it will detract from your pop and transfer those peasnts and disband them to other city, that way you can rise cities pop faster to next level which i do since i need better developed cities near fronts and not inside

Should I try do all the tasks the senate sets me or just do my own thing?

If you can complete the task with relative ease, yes. It's a decent income of money in the early game.
Early on, almost all tasks will be relatively easy. Later they can ask you to conquer regions that are farther away, require travel by sea and/or may be in a strategically unfavorable position. You'll have to make the call on those but you definitely don't need to do them

do those that benefit you. you can realy realy stretch the game or play it out realy fast. depends how you like it. its hard to die if you dont play like complete retard. also lookup online if you wana unlock factions without having to defeat them first to unlock them. it might make game more interesting on replays. but roman factions have absolutely best units and best variety especialy in late game. barbarian factions only have that same unit of chosen swordsman that is half capable.
greek/macedonians at least have phalangs. carthage is also nicely playable for late game.

i have played the total war series for more than 10+ years now and legit have no strategy for battles except to fucking zergrush all my units head on with the enemy. The only advanced tactic is of course use calvaries to flank but that's it. It's why i never play multiplayer because i would get my shit kicked in 10/10 times :)

any mods for this that are still active? I want to get back into this again but j feel like I'm better off with M2

MED2 is way better game imo. and has some absoultely amazing mods. favourite if u wana check it out is third age total war with absolute must of divide and conquer submod (i think u dont even need to instal third age first since divide and conquer has it packed in installer already)
they realy pushed engine to limits, map is big, alot of factions and they are not all the same like in vanilla they have great varieties. not to mention very nice events and scripts to make gameplay more interesting a+ many custom settlements maps.

i dont want to shill to much its for free anyways. its great, check it out if u have time and are into lord of the rings

>When you complete campaign and overtaken every corners of the map and the only thing left to do is to keep fighting off the mongol invasion in Medieval 2

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>that one chad in FFA who would hide in the forest and attack the winners
that was me

Theres like 4 active offshoots of third age, each with a different vision. Personally I'm looking forward to Heirs of Elendil which looks to bring back scripts that really put you into the world.

Theres also some crazy slav breaking the game. Hes already removed the cap for ancillaries, religions, and created a way to upgrade bodyguard units into something else. Hes got a shit ton of other shit planned like allowing the camera to go closer to the ground.

I did that with British chariot spam, but didn't get to really fight because the host ragequit.
Didn't touch multiplayer after that

steam version works. buy it for like $1 on G2A or something.

divide and conquer is really big. it completely reworks most of stuff and adds a ton. it also comprehensive and not just clusterfuck of all kinds of mods. i tried mos too, but d&c offers more fun to me.
it comes to preference, but i would say dac is defnietly a majority mod downloaded when it comes to third age

based genocider

Priotize economy buildings.
Spread your unit production over few cities, have one produce infantry, one archers and one cavalary instead of focusing all unit production in one.
Large cities should always be raized when conquer.
Never share your maps with close neighbours.
Sell your maps everyone else.
Sell trade rights.
Trick AI into signing ceasefires for cash.

there isn't much. its mostly just trying to get flank attacks and making sure you use charge/charge def bonuses.