You have been isekai'd to the last game you have played

>you have been isekai'd to the last game you have played
How cursed/blessed are you?

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shit genre

I hate Isekai so fucking much. It's all just the same exact weeb escapism harem fantasy bullshit with 0 imagination.

>azur lane
I'm in heaven

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>Smash bros
I was making a stage based off of eryth sea reefs I wish they let you have more space for adding things though, I want to bring out details even further. Shit ain't fair

Shadow Tower Abyss. I can't run, all my weapons break, everyone is either miserable or dead. So I'm pretty fucked.

>war of the monsters
best case scenario I become an abortion of nature and have to fight other abortions of nature, worst case scenario I'm one of those random pixels at the bottom of the screen that runs around and then gets squished while they fight

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>New Horizons

Gonna bang Ankha so hard they can hear it from the next island over.

Think i'd be bored shitless, or get a comfy life

Do I get any kind of super weapon, talents or something?

>playing umineko last night
Fuck, just fuck my life.

Bug fables but if i stay the same size compared to the bugs i don't think much would change.

>SMT strange journey
Nothing changes. Its basicaly 2020 but atleast i may fuck a cute demon waifu

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>TotalWarhammer 2

Just bury me somewhere peaceful

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Haha, get it?
Because they are English haha

kinda boring desu

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Bioshock Remastered

It's fucking suicide

I'm screwed half the population of the world dies

>Hitman 2

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>I am now the insane madman of an engineer working for the conquering army

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Well I'm dead

Meh, it could be worse.

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in 4 it's like 75% and in 5 it's 90%

I'm living Paul W.S Anderson's fantasy

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>last game I played is the self insert hentai game I'm making

>Icewind Dale 2
In five minute tops me and my harem are killed by a stampede of orc/hook horrors/histachii.

>isekai'd to mahjong soul
Eh, guess I'll just be starved to death for never winning then.

very blessed

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>Darkest Dungeon
Fuck should have played monstergirl quest instead

The worst are the isekais where the isekai part has 0 influence on the actual story. Like they're reborn as a kid and live their lives normally and the fact that they're reborn never comes up in a significant way.

I don't play games

>dark souls 3
I kill myself

world of warcraft
pretty hype

It would suck even if I didn't die. The games are fun but giant bugs trying to kill you along with robots and aliens and it just happens again ever couple years no thanks

>World of Warcraft
Would be great being isekai'd into a slutty elf girl if it weren't for the world ending threats every six months.

That means it's not actually isekai and you're a retard who thinks genres are settings.

>Dragon's Crown


Welp I'm useless then kuz I'm in a fate musou.

My last game is from the depths, I'll trade you some 500mm cannons for a transforming robot dinosaur or something

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Probably completely screwed

>Judge Eyes
Pretty good desu.
Based and frogsuit-pilled

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This is definitely not a good place to be because I assume I don't get even most basic bitch rustbucket to fly..

This is an Isekai game

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