Remember the times when every console game worked in 60 fps?

Remember the times when every console game worked in 60 fps?

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>Remember the times when games weren't movies with huge download and load times and constant pointless DLC and MTX so you didn't get to own anything just as the companies want?
Yes, I do and you've posted a system already going into that shit.


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PS2 games ran like shit though.
You have to go back to the Genesis.

>60 fps 1080i gran turismo 4 on fucking ps2

basically black magic at work

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>30 fps

Ah the good ol days when you could pop in the disk and get straight to playing


No I don't even the Xbox games lagged


PS2 was the one console to rule them all. Still hasn't been beaten to this day.

Shitty console

PS2 was a total free-for-all. 60fps, 30fps, 20fps, 480i, 480p, 1080i, 4:3, 16:9, fucking Ico was 240p

nostalgia really does round up everything to 60fps

60fps on 480p is good enough.

Only games I liked on the PS2 were the God of Wars and SotC.

holy shit this autistic fag from vr is everywhere

>launch title MGS2 works at 60fps
>2005 MGS3 runs at 15fps
I will never not be mad

mgs3 had actual textures
mgs2 everything looks like plastic

The PS2 didn't even have a harddrive

MGS2 had higher resolution textures than 3.

substantiate your claim

It was optional

How about you suck my cock. How about you slurp it down. Take it all the way down your throat and choke on it. How about you swallow my fucking cum. You fucking faggot.

I din't have the files on hand, but for example Solid Snake is entirely UV wrapped, whereas Naked Snake has texture mirroring on his pants and sleeves.
MGS3 has a higher polycount though

My dads cocaine drug dealer bought a ps2 when it first came out. He purchased teklenTag tournament. He wouldn’t stop about Nina putting on her lipstick and thinking how realistic it was, I couldn’t stop thinking how much older he was and was I to it. He’s dead now but because of him I pushed my ps2 play through a so hard. I often go back and look at my memory card data and can actually remember where I was that year or day. 2001-2004 were really good times for me.

Even some older game ran like dogshit. Stop with the nostalgia. It's a developer thing not a platform thing most of the time.

almost no PS2 games ran at 60fps.
It had more 60fps games than the PS3 or PS4 tho.

>Remember the times when every console game worked in 60 fps?
>post picture of console which had half its games struggle to maintain 30fps

Can we stop pretending there was ever a time all console games ran at 60fps? This has never been true. Never. Even as far back as the NES which didn't allow for things like frameskipping you didn't get flawless 60fps with every game. What happened is the whole game slowed to crawl and you'd get an effective framerate in the single digits.

Consoles like the PCE and the Mega Drive were generally good about not slowing down. 60fps was the standard even though it wasn't universal.

>60fps was the standard
This is not true. The 60fps thing was related to technical limitations. It wasn't even 60fps in PAL regions. It was 50fps. Short version is it's because consoles used to keep track of time via the frequency of their power supply. Power line frequency was 60Hz in some countries and 50Hz in others. That's the reason for the framerate difference between NTSC and PAL. This was not something everyone got together and decided was the standard framerate because it looks good or anything of the sort. It was a limitation imposed on them by a third party long before video game consoles were even a thing.

No one in this thread has any idea how interlacing works.

>almost no
More like half

You know there's progressive scan games? and even at 60 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS per second the quality of motion on a crt was higher than any modern 60 fps game on an lcd

> It wasn't even 60fps in PAL regions. It was 50fps.
Few games were designed for consoles in PAL regions - the region was an afterthought. Home computers were preferred there until the Playstation launched. Japan and America designed all the games.
>Short version is it's because consoles used to keep track of time via the frequency of their power supply.
They had to follow the timing of the TV they were connected to. The power supply was irrelevant to the console because the PSU just converted it to DC.
That said, TVs chose 60Hz and 50Hz refresh rates because they were limited by the mains voltage.
>This was not something everyone got together and decided was the standard framerate because it looks good or anything of the sort. It was a limitation imposed on them by a third party long before video game consoles were even a thing.
So? It doesn't matter if it was a conscious decision or a forced requirement, it's still what games were designed around.

Yes. It's been... 30 years.

Attached: 80s-boy-nintendo.jpg (518x348, 28.92K)

Pic unrelated I assume?

It's called combing and it looked hideous.

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didn't need one cause the game was on the actual disk rather than *in the cloud*

not at 60 fps, besides 240p 60 is the real realness