It is 2020, the literal worst year so far...

It is 2020, the literal worst year so far. We are experiencing the downfall of society and possible extinction of the human race and we STILL don't have a game about surviving an alien invasion and/or abduction. But yeah why the fuck not, we totally needed the trillionth generic zombie game, keep them coming!

And no, Xcom doesn't count.

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>not joining the winning side

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because survival games are shit.

how does Xcom not count?

>We are experiencing the downfall of society and possible extinction of the human race
shut the fuck up brainlet.

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he's not wrong retard.
Just look at all the apes running amok

>a virus with a 2% death rate
>race riots that Americans have had for decades now on and off
>downfall of society and possible extinction of the human race

Not everything revolves around you dumbass Americans. Why do you have to make everything so dramatic?

Because it's the same shit every time
>"Hey guys what are some good alien videog-"
Seriously it's the only game that people mention when there's an ayylmao vidya thread.

NONONONONO let me guess
>muh alien isolation exists too
Either that or this It's always the same shit

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And like on cue, the downfall appears. How's your HRT progress?

>a game about surviving an alien invasion and/or abduction
Play the original Prey. Great game.

yeah I get that so just say don't say x-com because everyone knows that one, you can't just say it doesn't count when it is literally the embodiment of what you are asking

You said that last year. And the year before. Fuck off doomposter.

>surviving an alien invasion
>and/or abduction

>It is 2020, the literal worst year so far.
1918 was pretty bad

Well, did you play them?

Isn't Xcom like RTS or some shit like that?
You retards know that when people ask for "A survival game in an alien invasion" they mean TLOU but with ayys, right?

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that fallout 3 dlc has you survive abduction

You'd have to look at the root causes of why aliens declined in popularity while zombies flourished in popular media. Personally, I attribute it to the fall of communism; for decades, the cold war put the fear of literal invaders from the sky, and as the result of science, (i.e. nukes) into the collective consciousness. A movie like Invasion of the Body Snatchers is an obvious product of it's time. But with the fall of communism, two things happened: firstly, we had to look for new enemies and found it in each other, and secondly, with NASA and space quickly being defunded into irrelevance, science and Sci-fi in general dropped in popularity. To put it another way, you being abducted by aliens from across the galaxy isn't likely, but you being attacked by your crazy neighbor across the street is. It also doesn't help that the little sci-fi we have skews towards cooperation and even romance with aliens; no longer are they a thing to fear, but rather a sexy blue alien or snake waifu to lust over. Even X-Com does this now!

Anyways, we probably won't get aliens games soon, even though it's basically my dream game. Any devs reading this, feel free to make this for me. Also, lookit the bling on the little centilien.

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>the fall of communism
lmao you just wait a couple years user

Also, I just remembered I played Generation Zero. It's almost what you're looking for, but it's a bit shit and it's gay robots instead of aliens. A non-shit version of that game would be pretty good.

Can I request anons post creepy and realistic ayylmao pics and/or webms? I love /x/ stuff but /x/ is full of schizos and I can't stand going there.

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>old people dying
>zoomers and millennials too retarded to compete
>america collapsing
Great year so far IMO. A shame the video games sucks.

>still no more spy RPGs like Alpha Protocol but with not shit gameplay
>Still fuck all mech games
Plus personally I want more games in settings like Arcanum, fantasy industrial revolution.

Here, have some real life greys.

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So apparently these are owls or some shit like that? How?

That's before they get their adult feathers.

No we aren't faggot. Just a minor crisis.

I wanna fuck the aliens

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Thats how owls standup in RL but you don't notice because their feathers cover their legs.

play earth defense force series

No they only stand up like that when humans aren't watching like in Toy Story

Play EDF5 you zoomer.

This man overdosed on video games. Any questions?

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>STILL don't have a game about surviving an alien invasion

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