This is the most underrated game of all time. Journos got extremely filtered by it...

This is the most underrated game of all time. Journos got extremely filtered by it, because they work within a strict schedule and didn't have time to drink in how great this game is. It's one of those games where there is a great disparity between the critic rating and the audience rating (or in other words, the sign of a great fuckin game). Most criticism I have seen of this game has boiled down to "it's too repetitive taking down camps!", yet the critic at no point comprehends the meaning of the word "optional". The game even comments on this through the character of Griffa, who rightly chastises Max for being a scavenger and killing people for scrap. The monotony of destroying camps and searching for scrap is intentional. They want you to get sick of it, just like Max is.

Attached: madmax-cover.jpg (400x560, 61.79K)

I enjoyed it, but it did nothing remarkable.
The combat was quite impactful, if repetitive.
Driving was fun.

>I enjoyed it, but it did nothing remarkable.

I seriously don't know how someone can play through this game and really believe this. It has one of the best plot twists in video game history.

The entire game is about the Magnum Opus and Chumbucket, and both of them fucking die at the end

I liked it but it ran out of steam for me after the first area.

Nothing you just said disproves my statement that it did nothing remarkable.

It's a cool, charming game like Sleeping Dogs but it's not THAT great.

Worse part is there are other characters who died. It is realy dark.

I wish there was more to do with scrap. Craft melee weapons or something. Maybe some delivery side missions. It was my first game i bought for PS4 and only game i bought without and discount. Full price.

Its a good game but its replayability is near zero

Woah a character dies in the story? Truly revolutionary.

It's repetitive as fuck

>The entire game is about the Magnum Opus and Chumbucket, and both of them fucking die at the end
But Max clearly doesn't care about them throughout the entire game and he would have cut Chumbucket loose even if he didn't get his car back.

The world is way too "gamey" for Mad Max. They should have taken inspiration from shadow of the colossus or something similar

this needed the nemesis system
and being able to have your own army
also a DLC where u play as the kids?


>game is shit
>it's cool bro, it was meant to be shit!

Awesome game, just wish they fleshed it out more.

on foot gameplay is garbage. the combat is like bamham but without the rhythim and freedom in combat. the car stuff is cool but it never gets as crazy as fury road

>The monotony of destroying camps and searching for scrap is intentional. They want you to get sick of it, just like Max is
they made the game shit on purpose? BRAVO

I agree OP
The game has no business feeling as good as it does and I don't even like car based games

It's the best photography simulator on the market.

I hated that war parties and road wars were finite.

Adding a nemesis system is a fucking good Idea. I would instantly buy it.

Mad Max had it's issues, but it was fun

I hope we get a sequel at some point

th came the very same day as MGS5
both took place in the desert
I have no idea what they were thinking

it's boring as hell

Let me be clear. I'm glad I bought and played the game. I liked it. But I'm also happy I only spent 7 bucks on it. If I had paid full price I probably would have enjoyed it less.

It looked like a typical bland boring open world and Fury Road was so absolutely shit that I'll never play this.

>Solid A game
>no microtransactions
how did they do it?

>Fury Road was so absolutely shit
That's a hot take if I've ever seen one.

Yeah, i think its good game

Attached: 1234.jpg (662x147, 33.18K)

its repetitive. Especially the car combat.

This is less repetitive and way more fun than the new Asassin's Creed games. If it had exaggerated marketing like Ubisoft games do it'd have been a hit. Maybe it is better this way.