Is this the dumbest take regarding the new Far Cry 6 info?

Is this the dumbest take regarding the new Far Cry 6 info?

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no, the dumbest take would be "Far Cry 6 will be good"

Why do brown "males" whine like babies so much? Why are they so incredibly insecure?
Is it because their ancestors picked cotton for free?

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That's more like a delusion.

>stealth pedoera thread

He's not even brown, he's white as fuck.

I don't believe for a second this person actually cares that you kill brown people in Far Cry. Twitter is an absolute hellhole of retards trying to outwoke each other constantly for clout

Whats pedoera?

Most the people complaining are white onions boys instead.

>Is this the dumbest take regarding the new Far Cry 6 info?
That Far Cry 6 will be fun.

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What is he on about? The last 2 have been
Asian killing asians
Whites killing whites

fc5 is all races, but you can also customize ur char, mine was a black girl

I think only the third one has actually been anything like a white saviour trope, and even that one smacks you in the face about how bad it is.

Plus the last half of the game has you fight a PMC led by a white man.

At least he's not going to play it

>"Stop being racist, include people of colour in your games"
>Game is filled with them
>"Stop including people of colour, you can't just kill them"
God i love hypocrisy



Shoot em all and let God sort it out

>literal who twitter screencap thread

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This is why 7th gen was the last good gen.

So Farcry 5?

Anton Hand, the lead dev of Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, a VR gun sim.

>wh*toid needs to personally defend brown people even though they themselves don't give a shit
Like clockwork

It's even better cos hes picking one of the big companies that barely has any "white saviour" games.

I'm all for bullying Ubisoft into financial ruin,but this tactic is easily avoided by adding a simple character select screen.

You pretend as if this place doesn't get upset over random idiots spewing inane nonsense on a daily basis.

5 just straight up had a character creator.

you mean like the last 2 far crys had

He's right, yet whites are seething

>the worst of the vr gun games
what a fucking loser lol

>white person
>defending races that hate him

I mean, in terms of playable content, yes. But in terms of realism of simulating firearms, it's probably the best.

The ideal video game would be you playing as a black lesbian woman in a world of gay black/brown/yellow women where you have to hunt down and kill the one white straight male


You think people who complain ever get that far?