I could really use a shower!

>I could really use a shower!

haha imagine if sharla soaked up all of her greasy sweat after a hike with a towel and then just wrung it out all over my face wouldnt that be crazy lol

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Other urls found in this thread:


>thinking about Sharla
>making a fucking thread about Sharla
>when FAR superior girls Melia and Fiora exist
Yikes. You have some seriously shit taste my dude.

even as a sucker for brown/tan girls i absolutely agree with this. sharla may very well be the weakest xeno waifu

>level 12 wild down and steel strike
>topple up and plus gems
oh yeah

Attached: it's reyn time.gif (230x193, 196.65K)

she is so fucking ugly

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I liked Sharla at first but I’ll never forgive her for betraying Melia

how do I get a sharla gf?

>"Reyn, that's so just like Ga-"
Gadolt should have been the one that survived while Sharla got MECH'D, at least then the gun character can be useful.

>FAR superior
Fiora is the weakest because she does nothing well unless you have a robot fetish. Sharla is the hottest and Melia is the actual character.

Shut up Juju, your sister will end up a single mother figure for the rest of her life.

melia is just as much of a shallow archetype as anyone else but you only think she has an actual character because she suffers more than the rest

wtf is going on with her pelvis

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sharla is based you fag
even if fiora is better


She won in doujins

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Literally the only canon that matters
Prove me wrong Fiorafags

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>coomposting about Sharla
Dumb newfriend. Xenoblade had a pretty good story, so the one with the biggest tits isn't the one who gets fapped to the most. The blonde with her ass out, who gets drawn with the biggest tits because she has no other interesting character traits, isn't even the one who people think about when they're jerking it.

It's all about based bird lady. Next time go for "imagine if the empress wanted to use you as her footstool haha" or some shit like that.

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It was the same in the original as well. Can't believe they couldn't give enough of a shit to fix it.

and making it a haha post to boot...fuck

She will never love you as much as she love Gadolt.

By that logic Fiora and Melia will never love you as much as they love Shulk. Only option is to go for an unattached secondary like Tyrea or Vanea.

Well, they won't. But Sharla is the only character who has her eyes on two boys at the same time, kind of.

Vanea will never love anyone as much as she loved Egil

I like brown titty monsters, but I can't seem to like Sharla. She is really dull compared to the other girls.

Honestly all three of the main girls are kinda dull. Melia at least gets a proper character arc now though so I'll see if that helps her, since before her only appeal was suffering. Fiora and Sharla are basically non-characters though.

Fiora has charm. The way she walks and talks is very feminine.

She's your generic childhood friend love interest. Nothing about her stands out except that she becomes a robutt.

It's because while tan and cute, she's a huge cunt. Constantly comparing Reyn to Gadolt, and when she's not she's a huge bitch to him.

Tyrea will never love you or anyone else.

Haha, you say...

Attached: Rean Schwarzer.jpg (516x772, 73.4K)

>She's your generic childhood friend love interest
Yeah and that's literally the best female archetype.
That's like saying characters like Dunban or Auron are bad because they're the generic badass veteran. These characters became archetypes because people want to see more of them.

People keep throwing around generic like it's a bad thing. And no one can guess my Xenoblade waifu.

How stupid is Rean's power level again?

Problem is that her archetype fits in a certain role, as the love interest. Her's is always the love interest and nothing else. She has no real character outside of being Shulk's waifu and to a much lesser extent Dunban's sister.

And in this case it became an archetype because it's easy to write and doesn't require any real development.