Zig Forums tells you a game is shit

>Zig Forums tells you a game is shit
>it's actually kino

Why did you lie to me, Zig Forums?

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Here we go again. Why do you all belive in a shitty board that doesn't even play video games? Why don't you form your own opinions? This board is full of losers and retards, and you had the nerve to actually belive in them.

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Who said it's shit? It's just ok. The Link's Awakening remake on Switch is a better Zelda game though.

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>Zig Forums tells you a game is kino
>it's actually mediocre

It's trash.

It's alright, definitely not the best Wii U port available on the switch though. It clears up most of the original's performance issues but it can still chug pretty hard.

it's just underwhelming.

Why would you listen to a board full of mentally ill 14 year old incels. Zig Forums hates every great game.

Imagine my surprise when I loaded up botw for the first time and all of the shrine puzzles were different. According to Zig Forums they were all copypasted but apparently that's code for "they share a common aesthetic." You guys weren't purposefully misrepresenting how the game is to make your complaints seem stronger, right?

how is it so easy to tell that someone has never played the game for more than 45 minutes, i mean jesus

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Underaged Snoyggers have been seething about BotW for 3 years now, being butt-devastated about their "Zelda killer" game being dead and forgotten long ago.
It's just magnificent how we've had several DAILY threads for years now.

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Zig Forums is mostly made up of a bunch of retards with brain hemorrhaging contrarianism

I've done exactly 1/3 of the shrines now and I seriously have no idea what people are complaining about, other than the tests of strength. Maybe if you're an autist and try to do every single shrine in the entire game despite the blatantly diminishing returns, I could see them getting pretty old. But just doing whatever ones I come across has been entirely enjoyable.

god that piano music remains a pleb filter to this day there's ALMOST as much soul as GTAIV there

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It's funny one of the greatest games of all time received this much hate when Skyward Sword exists which was way, way worse

Zig Forums likes to hate things.

I assume it's an outlet for people hating themselves.

Horizon is fucking boring though, couldn't be bothered to finish it.

BoTW's world was much more fun

"this much hate" doesn't apply to some vocal nerds on Zig Forums though user.

People will point out the games flaws elsewhere, but no one will typically say it's a bad game like people here do.

cope tranny

skyward sword had dungeons

skyward sword has some of the best dungeons in the whole series

>you MUST have the same opinion as me!

i only got tired of the shrines by the very end. when i had like 4 left. And it was only because i was so close to finishing i needed to find them so they werent appearing naturally and it felt more like a chore to get to them. but the first literal 116 of them i never really got tired of.

Because you are a monkey brained retard. If you enjoy shit like that you might as well play every Ubishit open world game as they are the exact same thing.

The idea that botw not having dungeons is some kind of glaring flaw is the only proof I need that zelda fans are dumbasses who don't understand how complicated making a video game is. If you just made botw, but stuck random traditional zelda dungeons onto the map, it'd make no fucking sense and be a complete clusterfuck. None of the game's systems are designed around the concept of a traditional dungeon. It's seriously like people think nintendo just forgot to put dungeons in the game, instead of what actually happened, which was that they considered it but decided against it for a variety of reasons.

I hear this argument a lot, but I don't agree.

SS had good LOOKING dungeons, but they were typically linear bullshit like the overworld areas.

BOTW's dungeons and Shrines got boring because they lacked much variation, but they generally were full of decent puzzles.

If BOTW2 mixed that with SS's artistic vision for its dungeons, we could truly get some good shit in 2029 when it comes out

so basically most people are mad that zelda is what they wanted. but they got upset when 3D zelda wasnt changing.

a zelda game isnt "bad" for not having dungeons. the only thing wrong with any of the dungeons was the lack of enemy variety. They were great puzzles that I legit enjoyed doing.

> THe majority of my peers on Zig Forums hate and detest Botw b-but at least I l-like it! haha
Sad state of Nintenbabbies. Very sad state.

linearity is not inherently evil

acfag is just one guy

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if the game had dungeons it would just be a rehash instead, you mistake is assuming they care about anything else but getting people mad over vidya

Imagine being this much of a brown nosing fuckwad. Jesus christ.
We either need heroes like Quentin back, or there needs to be a seperate /nin/ board.
I am sick and fucking tired of you Nintenbabbies shitting up the board with your Botw and Smash trash. Fuck off.

You only had yourself to blame.

I finished the main story and clocked in over a 100 hours. I encountered significant framerate drops in a few areas, namely korok forest and faron jungle, made worse whenever it was raining or i was using the magnesis, stasis or cryonis runes. These drops mostly happened when docked though, handheld runs a bit smoother in my experience. If i only played 45 minutes, i wouldn't have encountered such performance issues, as the great plateau runs fairly well.

Can someone explain why the 2 each of the pokemon games's counterpart are in different tiers?

oh god yes please, imagine a board actually about video games

playing it rn and the only way I can explain it is its what ocarina of time felt like as a kid. One of the best zelda games
The only two problems I've come across is the english voice acting and the two motion control shrines i encountered. Whoever came up with them i hope they got fucking fired

Not at all, God of War was linear but was really good imo.

I just didn't feel it in SS. The closest thing to an actual puzzle in its dungeons was opening the damn boss door.

because its bait you moron

>he watched a Digital Foundry video on the game

Just switch the language for the voice