So, what is the PS5 going to be?

So, what is the PS5 going to be?

Attached: file.png (760x120, 22.6K)

Does the question even need to be asked?

Probably 30fps still for the most part and any game that is 60fps is probably gonna make it sound like a jet engine just like the ps4.

native 4k 30fps for most games
exclusives and less demanding titles will try to push 60fps

checkerboard fake 4k 30fps

30fps, at the cost of them forcing the highest possible resolution

Why console friends are so obsessed with 60 fps ? 30 fps isn't bad if it wasn't an fps game
That game was poorly optimized and had some frame rate issues it wasn't a pure 30 fps

Attached: Russianroulette.jpg (340x201, 10.42K)

Jesus, consoles are still struggling with 30 fps while everyone is playing on PC with 144 Hz screens.

This is beyond pathetic.

Attached: Daily reminder that consoles are holding back video games.webm (718x404, 899.04K)

the ps5 is already powerful enough for 4k 60

pure cope
t. played everything but bloodborne on pc

been playing with pc for my whole life, I don't even own a ps4 i borrowed one from my friend to play bloodborne but this whole obsession with frames is cringe

60FPS for the first six months, then they'll go back to 30FPS once everyone bought it anyway.

checkerboard 4k, sub-30 fps

Less than 1% of PC cucks play 144hz at 4k. Stop deluding yourself fucktard, most of you pcfags are poor as shit and upgrade once a decade and can't afford the latest graphics cards and CPUs. Cope harder.

high framerate literally, as in literally unironically literally, improves reaction time and the playability of a game

It will struggle to hit 30 at 1080p.

true™ 4k @ 30fps because it's easier to market to normies.
remember how long it took to even convince the masses there was a difference between 30 and 60?

To display 60FPS, your game has to be spitting out a frame every 16ms. 30FPS is 33ms. You can have a 144hz monitor, but if your game is only putting out 30FPS - you're still seeing just 30FPS. The problem is even though hardware gets faster, the expectations for games continues to grow (better graphics, better physics, etc) - so the net "increase" in performance tends to taper off as developers continue to put in more features.

Reminder that 30fps on console isn't the same as 30fps on PC due to PC's abhorrent frame pacing issues

30, because consolecucks love that "cinematic" feel in their movies, especially with motion blur enabled

No one is talking about 144 at 4k. That's outside of the scope of reality for a bunch of technical reasons.
When PC gamers talk about 144 (165) they are talking about 2560x1440 which has been the high-end standard for at least 5 years now and with the current and coming iteration of cards is now the mid-range.
The limiting factor in the screen tech was the bandwith of the display standard (until very recently). The data lanes between the monitors and the graphics cards were saturated.
You could have either 1440@165 OR 4k@60.
Consoles will never have to worry about such decisions because they are no where near capping out the bandwith of the HDMI standard.
The smart play was the lower resolution because you are approaching diminishing returns with higher resolutions compared to framerates. (Last ~10 years).
Above about 120 it become harder and harder to tell the difference but the same is true about screen resolutions above 1440 - (except for very large TVs/projectors).

30"@1440 you are already filling about 90% of your field of view before you are close enough to the display to be able to see any sort of pixel definition.

They need to give the option
30 fps 4k or
60 fps 1080p

lmao consoles can't even handle 1080p 60fps you turbonigger

No they need to give the option


As in graphical settings similar to PC.
PS5 will be weaker both when it comes to CPU and GPU compared to PC, and giving people the change to set their own settings under advanced graphics would make them be able to choose between shitty 30FPS and 60-120FPS depending on the game.

>Less than 1% of PC cucks play 144hz at 4k
The remaining >99% play at 1080p 60 fps MINIMUM, which consoles still cant hit
>The rest of that post
Do you ever stop to think maybe, just maybe, you're projecting a bit too hard?

>Expecting Snoy to openly admit that their consoles actually are shitty prebuilts

The vast majority of PC users are on 1060's. Which is weaker than next gen consoles.

Which means 100% of console players will have systems more powerful than 90% of pc players.

sub 30 unstable

Destiny 2 is already confirmed 4K60fps. Eat shit faggots LMFAO

Higher resolution is a fucking meme. Higher frame-rate and actual HDR are fucking POGGERZ.


WeirdChamp baj, I'm 27

No one's gonna buy it, so doesn't matter