Beyond Good & Evil

Why is it considered a cult classic? Whats so good about it?

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It's comfy, that's it.

Soul incarnate. Vibes are off the scale. Pey'j is based. Minigames are great. Photography is neat. Isn't overly long, isn't overly complicated.

I fucking loved this shit when I played it as a kid, good fucking times

It's a Zelda-like game with good music and an original setting.

The PS2 version was dogshit tho.


it's a good game. that's about it

>except the shitty black culture reggae music

fixed for you shit tasted retard

PC version or PS3 HD?
Not sure I can bother setting up my PS3.

Jade gave me many boners.

the only acceptable versions are gamecube and xbox 360


Stop embarrassing yourself

What's wrong with Black culture? Probably just another fucking racist on this god forsaken website.

because I say so

go back to twitter

It has soul.

they're reggae rhinos you nigger

Fun zelda-like adventure game before ubisoft became cucked. One of my favourite action games and the creature photography like pokemon snap, shame the sequel looks like its either vaporware or dogshit.

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>Zig Forums still constantly churning out mush brained children
ya hate to see it

uplay version has gamepad support out of the box

lmao black cutlure reggae music, ten bucks your favourite music has blacks produce/work on it in some way

every game since 1990 has

not with modern gamepads

>missing the point
go back to your riots you are fucking dumb for anything else

>hates black people
>can barely read or write

Like clockwork lads

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>he keeps embarrassing himself

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You're in the minority, bitch.

Putting your brain damage on display is pleasing me greatly, please continue

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I played it a few years ago and didn't see anything wrong with it.

this samefag lol

you're thinking of rap
Reggae is based

The top and bottom posts that you mass replied to were both me, and I was replying to two different posts

Tie a rope around your neck if you’re not too dumb to tie a knot

not him, but you have garbage taste in reaction pics

He's not, we just don't sperg out, black music is majority cringe and embarrassing

Textbook definition of Eurotrash

Did your college class teach you that, or some blue check mark on twitter with a shitty .jpg lmao
Black culture is why black people die all the time and take no responsibility, with all you white cucks clapping for it

t. black nerd who rejects all your faggotry

He is, we are worldwide every day with tens of thousands on the streets. When do right wing people do that? Happens what, once every 10 years? We are with more.