WoW Shadowlands

Are you hype for shadowlands user?

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>being "hype" for anything after MoP

yo white boi gimme muh reperashuns

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not at all. it's same wheel, they didn't learn anything for the last 10 years.



Gathered my friends, parked our mains at 120. Fuck raiding and the lore though, we will fuck in m+

literally among the worst xpacs

So it’s among all the xpacs and the base game?

not hyped because I'm not following it but I'm going to play it anyway

no one has

kinda of the systems they are implementing are actually pretty interesting and the new leveling sounds like it'd be cool

Everything after vanilla, yes

Due to 'rona I have a fair bit of free time. Never played wow before.
I'd buy Shadowlands if it gave me access to BFA, but it doesn't.
I won't buy BFA because the price is the same as a 'new' expansion but you're not getting any new content cus last patch.

Kind of weird how Blizz didn't capitalize on a shitton of people sitting at home doing nothing.

Nope. It's the same shit as BFA. Streamers are just hyping it up because they want subs and donations. Nothing has changed. Still shit class design, still loan abilities. More mission table, more dividing the game up into mini activities you log on to do to get X gated currency then log off. They needed new leadership with new ideas, it did not happen. Instread we kept creative bankrupcy and design by boardroom spreadsheet. The color of elves and undead eyes used to be a certain color because that was the lore. They don't give a shit about the lore anymore so now everyone can have any rainbow color they want. All they care about is keeping subs and getting those subs to pay for services.

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>saw pandas and didnt play it
the class design was so god damn fun

>caring so much about lore post lich king

>The color of elves and undead eyes used to be a certain color because that was the lore. They don't give a shit about the lore anymore so now everyone can have any rainbow color they want.
They never cared about the lore though.

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Those enha shaman changes bring me hope
Currently playing enha on wotlk and cata.

Its mostly blizzard trying to tie the story more into the game making it like XIV but wow doesnt work like that

Nah. The game had a... ahem, "good run", but it's time to end it now.

I started in WoD and have never done a raid and have played literally for the story and lore. The lore has been pretty shit after Cataclysm. Legion was pretty cool but felt like an attempt to get older players back, battle for azeroth looked cool but i didn’t bother playing it, you think I should get BFA and play through the zones for lore?

Not really. The new lore is likely to be more miss than hit and there's basically no new game features except Torghast if you can even consider that one.

>play through the zones for lore
god no
if there's a worse game for lore than wow I have yet to play it, and even then BFA is notably shittier than average

Tried playing a new character on retail to see what it's like. The game is awful. It's like someone put several coats of paint over a shitty rotten house full of termites.

Quit in legion, does the game still force you to go through a list of chores if you want to do any endgame raiding?

there will always been a ring/cloak or whatever quest line you need for endgame raiding sadly.

Right now? Yes, lots. Most ever perhaps.
In SL? Doesnt seem it will be too much.

You need to do the war campaign to unlock nazjatar then do some quests in nazjatar so you can do the legendary cloak questline.

Most classes are literally the same with like one or two useless shit.

It's so godawful rn that I decided not to resub despite a few of my mates going back to wow cus pandemic

Yes, there's even more now.
>neck artifact power grind
>azerite items aka legiondaries but worse
>essence grind
>cloak upgrade grind
>corrupted item farming
Endless chores to stay relevant are the new dailies.


>Quit in legion, does the game still force you to go through a list of chores
Max level bfa is nothing but chores. Neck needs to be leveled, clock needs to be quested for then leveled. A list of currencies needs to be farmed. Have to try get the best corruption on items to compete, or farm the new currency to buy them only if she is selling them on the weeks rotation. If you want to raid coming in now it's a dogs dinner of bullshit.

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>basically admitted elves are now in blackface
How did he get away with it?

That’s probably the only way to squeeze out some fun from this game any more, m+ and battlegrounds with the bros. Half of the reason I liked Legion was because me and my bro destroyed bgs as an arms warrior/disc priest combo

Holy fucking shit, i'm glad i skipped BFA. What the fuck are the devs thinking? Raiding is like the last good thing left in the game and they try to make it impossible to enjoy it.

Nah, they're trying to milk elf cucks, edgy undead cucks and theories-normies.

You don't have to be a junkie, dude.

Yes, and they're time gated too!

>What the fuck are the devs thinking?
They're thinking "How can I keep addicts playing for longer"? I imagine Kotick gets drug dealers to come in and give seminars on how to keep people buying your product

The biggest mistake of WoW was changing how the game played every expansion.

>I started in WoD
>The lore has been pretty shit after Cataclysm.
Lore was always shit in World of Warcraft.The Burning Crusade is where it went downhill.

>10 rep per WQ
>just hit revered with Voldunai
>2100 WQ for full Voldunai rep
any other way to farm faster rep?
I did all the Vol'dun WQ already

Not really. The game's been a boring slog for a while now, and I'm not interested in Sylvanas getting even more attention. I'll just look at webms of foxes being silly.

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>playing retail for lore
Literally the only thing retail is good for is raiding. Why play it if you're not raiding?