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lmao, just emulate

Just emulate PC on console, bros.

And it only took 8 years! PC always win baby!

Vita emulation is barely functional

PS Vita? Enjoy your menu screen and sprites, bro

I played P4G already with emulator.

Golden changes are dogshit anyway, just emulate

pc has had that game (in high resolution) for over 10 years

only weeb buycucks are excited for this

Oh wow, games from the fucking PS2 era. What a result. Not like you could’ve emulated them this entire time is it. PC fags are such cucks for consoles

This this one, no

Can we just laugh at the fact that vitards have just lost their """""best""""" """"""""""""exclusive"""""""""""""?

No ones even playing Vita anymore you moron, I doubt they care

yeah lets laugh at all 3 of em

I will wait for SMT series. Want a SMT Nocturne remaster, but this time Dante can Devil Trigger and his 2nd and final boss fight gets two stages. The 2nd one is where he Devil Triggers and gets massive buffs to his stats and new moves.

Then explain this autism

>lost their """""best""""" """"""""""""exclusive"""""""""""""
Not even top 10

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Literally how did you Play P4G, you mean base P4 right?

Looks like it's your typical /vg/ general that doesn't have anything to talk about anymore so they degenerated into spamming waifus

Is it just Persona 4 or is 3 coming too? They'll probably fuck it up and port P3P instead of FES though

>Scooby Doo in Japan

Sure, enjoy it.

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that's the only fucking explanation you need for anything that happens over there

Mentally challenged

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We did it pcbros, after 12 years we've finally almost caught up with consoles.

>33 posters
Wow man you sure proved me wrong

It's rumored that P3P is getting a port too, but nothing's confirmed like P4G.
Atlus is well aware that 3, 4, and 5 are all easily emulatable on PC, so they're porting the ones that can't be emulated.

oh man a new waifu! its like a completely different game!!!!

you'd have a point if it was any Persona 3 version, the original Persona 4, or the original Persona 5, but Vita emulation is non-existent right now, you can't play P4G on your PC no matter how much you try, at least before this releases.

Porting P3P would be a whole lo tof nothing. I'd much prefer FES even though it's older

I wasn't aware modern consoles had P4G on them, it it on PS4?

Yes, it is
Fuckin retard

>there’s added corn in it this time so it’s not the same shit

If they had any sense they'd make a new version with FemMC and controllable party members

the new intro they added is garbage though

>hehe pc gets no games
>pc gets games
cant wait for bloodbourne

people just use vitas to jerk off lol

exactly, I imagine P5R will be announced too, its just not going to drop in 2 fucking days, which is the only reason we know about P4G.
Only way they'd bother with P3 is if they also made a definitive edition that merges Portable and FES together for PS4 and Switch as well or some shit.

Soul Sacrifice? Wish that would get a port.

yeah they lost gravity rush a while ago

>pc gets games
>pctards cry because they dont get console games
>they finally get one exclusive after several years

I always wonder why only sony fans seem to care about how old a game is, are they too autistic to play something that isn't the shiny new fad?

I never believe leaks but would be cool if real. Guess we'll just wait and see.
Most likely going to buy it, I've played 1, 3, 4 and 5 yet have never bought any of them.

P5R will definitely not be announced and the port of that game still isn't 100% confirmed, it all depends on how well P4G does

feels good to own this...

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Every console exclusive of a dead console should be ported to PC, there isn't a single reason not to do it

>not affiliated with Valve
Any proofs or..?

>he bought the paperweight

I hope is translated into Spanish, these fucking games sell like shit in some countries because they are not translated

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They already switched to "p4g was never good anyway the original is the only good version".
After all these years. Sony fanatics are mentally ill.

Comfy emulation machine

>are they too autistic to play something that isn't the shiny new fad
Most people unironically will not play a game that "looks old" (unless it's indie pixelshit), even if they played it in the past and have fond memories of it, they'll never touch it again once a newer console comes out.

theres a denuvo support page

Nah, more exclusives make a console purchase justified. Bloodborne is painful to play because of the framerate alone, I put this shit down and made the mistake of playing PC Dark Souls before coming back to this shit.



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