Why isn't this used?

Why isn't this used?

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because stickies are 10 times better

Takes too long to detonate.

quickiebombs are better

stock should be nerfed

They removed the damage buff it had.

That's dumb though.

it was
it's bad

weapon that requires foresight and planning
weapon you can spam mindlessly


Great weapon to used when you play defensive as demoman in 2fort. Shame that it wasn't that well used.

It was, for a few days. Demobabbys cried very hard that their trap weapon was now actually a trap weapon, so they reverted it.

Ah yes the two cities sticky launcher

it's slightly better at something the stock launcher already excels at while being shit at everything else

>weapon now deals 50% of it's intended damage unless you play like a coward
Youd be upset too if your favorite weapon was made useless in the most retarded way imaginable, be glad that they followed it up with a nerf that only affects bad players
>tiny splash radius while airborne
>actually need to detonate on top of people to do damage at all
t. Primarily a grenade launcher player.
My favorite subtle nerf to the game was removal of random damage spread so each pill does a cool 100 points of hurt.

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>you need to aim at the stickies you want to detonate
probably because of this

It's inferior to stock. Most Demos don't defend multiple zones anyway. also the damage was nerfed.

They need to give it back the original sticky blast radius.

reminder that sticky spam does not take any skill whatsoever

I use it to trap red's spawn door on E when I bum rush to win the round in one minute

*to win the round in one minute on steel
had a brainfart, I'm retarded

Because people use stickies offensively and not how they were originally designed to be used.

The whole idea of a trap demo is useless.
Name one map where the stat would be effective.... you cant !

Bad maps like dustbowl

cp_powerhouse where you put stickies on the ceiling of the garage and the main entrance and kill 5 people attempting to push in at once because no one ever looks up

You can't even see the outline in dx8

>place a trap on a corner
>spam some pills around said corner
>scout rushes you and runs into your trap
Stickies are really good for area denial too, again applies to scouts

Should be buffed, or at least should have the delay halved.

>turns your decent sidegrade into shit
to this day I ponder what was valve thinking when they reduced the clip size even further than it was before

Attached: Quickiebomb_Launcher.png (1072x712, 388.58K)

It's honestly really bad, the only positive thing I notice about it is the increased range, stock is better 95% of the time

I've actually used it last night
It's fucking fun but can be used only as traps when stock already do that while giving spam/good quick damage
Just make it being able to use for offense (still worse than stock)
While rewarding more traps usage

Like a
+ better firing speed or damage the more stickies are on the map
-impossible to shoot more stickies if there 14 on the mao
-count doesn't decrease if you don't blow the first stickies

It may be really shit, I'm not game designer

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Same user
Or you can also just decrease the bomb arm time but I don't think it's gonna solve the problem

>tfw I've been playing base jumper + quickiebomb for months, only swapping off if actually-good scouts come out of the woodwork
It's honestly pretty fun to do charge sniping with it. And people still get mad about stickies killing them despite you having half a clip, lower base damage, and no grenades.