Sequel soon today, post who you want in

Sequel soon today, post who you want in.

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Come on SEGA!!!! ADD HIM!!!

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I think the right time for a Sony crossover fighter has come and gone. People who buy Playstations only want movie games now.

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I FUCKING WISH. If Sony does it, DAY ONE PURCHASE. All DLC. All of it. Everything.

This is bad. Almost all of the franchises in the original one are either dead like Metal Gear, LBP, Parappa, Jak and Sly Cooper, reawakened in the worst possible ways like Ratchet & Clank or surprisingly standing by themselves like Tekken, God of War and Devil May Cry.

I really wish they'd do a fucking sequel, they still don't understand that it's the only way for them to actually compete with the hype that Smash Bros brings. If they don't even try again they'll completely lose, no matter how many cinematic games they make.

>Crash, Spyro, Ratchet, Jak, Parappa etc...
>Goro Majima
>Uncle Death
>Regina from Dino Crisis
>Aya Brea
>Jill Valentine
>K N A C K
>Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain
>Connor from Detroit
>Hunter from Bloodborne
>Teenager from Until Dawn
>Car from Gran Turismo
>Bike from Days Gone
>Samurai from Tsushima
>Norman Reedus and Mads
>Obligatory Aloy, Nathan Drake, Kratos, Ellie, Infamous guy/girl, Sweet Tooth
>Dogbird from Last Guardian
>someone from Ni No Kuni
>guy from Everybody's Golf
>Dog from Tokyo Jungle
look at this banger of a roster

>no robbit
>no croc
>no klonoa
>>>>no fucking dante

>forgetting /myguy/ Gex

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It'll never happen and even if it did they won't realize all the things that actually worked from the previous game since people were too shit and blinded by OTHER GAME to bother giving it a fair shake and understanding it. But if it did, then aside from who was already in and of course Dart/Abe.
>Ellen or Keats from Folklore
>anyone from the classic Level 5 JRPG series' (Dark Cloud etc.)
>anyone from the Grandia series
>William from Nioh
>Knack. Obviously

I'll give you a REAL better roster.
>Bring back all characters from the first game plus DLC, make Evil Cole a legit echo fighter and give Dante his classic look
>Add all scrapped characters from the first one (Dart, Abe, Patapon, Kulche, etc.)
>Add in Old Kratos with Atreus as a duo, Aloy, Spidey from PS4, 2B, Hunter
>Add in Nemesis
>Fucking hold Activision at gunpoint to add Spyro and Crash, same for Rayman and Ezio at Ubisoft
>Add some competitors for the Smash reps like John Marston, Zack Fair and Shadow the Hedgehog
>Obvious Kojima shills Pyramid Head and Sam Bridges
>Add the girl from Control for even more shilling
>If Doomguy doesn't get in Smash add him here
>Why miss out on Buzz!
>More out of place characters
>Surprise reps like Klonoa and Gex, fuck it, maybe even someone from Xbox since they already stole Big Daddy
>Most importantly a legit story mode
There ya go.

it'll be something like this i bet

Attached: psasbr 2.png (1033x646, 1.31M)

>no Car from Gran Turismo
sorry, I ain't buying

better gameplay

>Nathan Drake
>All Infamous protags
>Hatsune Miku
>Connor McGregor
>Finn and Jake from Adventure Time
>Sir Daniel
>Nep from Megadimension Neptunia
>Makoto from Danganronpa
>Alien dude from Destroy All Humans
>Tony Hawk
>Jimmy Hopkins
>Sorceress from Dragon's Crown

Kite with alternate costumes that turn him into his many clones like Azure Kite. His ultimate attack would be Drain Heart, hits everyone on screen, can be dodged if you time it right.
If not Kite then Haseo would be okay to add in over him. The problem with Haseo is that he has other forms with different movesets so I don't know, would it be best to have multiple Haseos taking up space in the roster or would it be better if when you highlight Haseo you are then given the option of which form of Haseo you want to play as instead of having another Fighterz situation with most of the roster being fucking Gokus. Anyway, his ultimate attack would be him activating Skeith and controlling him for a bit.

What game is he from?


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>wanting Donte AGAIN
What's wrong with you?

They didn't have enough characters to fill out the first game and needed guests. The guests sucked too.

pic related

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They have plenty of characters to choose from. The have the entire PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 library to pick shit.

all I want is Donte from the Devil May Cry series unironically


The guy from god of war
uhhhh ridge racer car?

You want a legit car as a fighter. I don't know if I should support your ideas so I can confirm Sony's shallowness in creating new cool worlds in the last years or if I should ignore you

Change the kid from Bully with Abe from OddWorld and we're pretty much on a realistic page. I can't wait to see CJ interact with fucking Knack lmfao

When people talk about PSASBR they usually consider Donte and Dante 2 different beings. You could just take the classic design and leave Donte as an alt

how would pic even work? You summon monsters and act as a elusive puppet master while sometimes his daughter comes in and makes some random remark? Or maybe she is just a model swap with the same skills. I doubt they could ever include a ecosystem gimmick in a fighting game.
NHA has the most soulful ending ever. Too bad we will never see a game with that art style.

>replacing spike with apes
>not even both, while properly portraying spike

>Jimmy/Kei/Yumi/Jake/Natalie and Specter
>Lammy Lamb
>Ratchet/Jek reps
>LBP3 reps
>Robbit (Jumping Flash)
>Vibri (Vib Ribbon)
>2B/Nier rep
>Atlus rep (SMT, Dragon's Crown, Persona)
>Actual Dante
>Jill Valentine and other Capcom reps
>SNK rep (Mai, terry. Metal Slug)
>Tecmo rep (Ryu, DoA)
>Wild Arms rep
>OG Lara
>More SE reps
>Fucking Doomguy because why not
>More Japanese reps
>Katamari and more Namco
>Souls reps in general
>Dark Cloud
>Gabe Logan

>a legit echo fighter
Evil Cole in the original game was a semi clone
An echo is a downgrade