Attached: EaFhXNaVcAAyeiL.jpg (1006x1006, 164.95K)
Why Steam?
Evan Moore
Kevin Price
so you can filter out the garbage
Anthony Watson
A lot of mentally ill people play video games.
Adrian Allen
what's wrong with having pride in your summer, i don't get it.
Anthony Campbell
>be in europe
>go on front page
>see nothing
wtf this is homophobia
Sebastian Kelly
get fucked chuds, even your one hobby isnt a safe space for you.
Michael White
racettear will be the last game I'll buy on steam I think. If that nigga puts it back up on gog I'll buy it there. Video games suck these days and valve can go fuck themselves
Grayson Gutierrez
Hunter Bennett
I hate faggots so much.
Dominic Edwards
Why would someone use chad as an insult?
Andrew Miller
>None of the games listed have characters I would like to fuck and form emotional bonds over.
Why even buy?
Elijah Johnson
depends where you live i guess. some countries have more pride in their winters than summers
Jayden Barnes
Dominic Morgan
If you're upset at this you need to go back to Zig Forums, preferably /r/the_donald.
Samuel Green
it's not summer in europe retard
summer is in the east hemisphere
Levi Gutierrez
retard summer happens in europe too retard
Dominic Wilson
This. Literally not a single game in that sale is good.
Noah Hernandez
>retard summer
the seasons are different for the mentally disabled?
Noah Allen
Portugal here, i got nothing here so i guess at least steam knows who to target specifically with their sales...
Nolan Foster
Are you from america or something?
Aaron Garcia
I can't tell if this is b8 or genuine retardation
Brayden Edwards
Fellow Chadopean reporting in. No pride shit spotted on my Steam.
And I'm even in Sweden.
Josiah Ross
>wonder why i'm not seeing this
>pic related
Leo Butler
Make me, virgin.
Nicholas Carter
Good bait. Got all the eurotards to reply.
Jason Gomez
Evan Nguyen
wasn't the lgbtpedo tag deleted because people were using it to avoid the games tho
Gavin Butler
Nope. Can confirm that it's still there.
Liam Kelly
why not? gay is good
Jace Wood
Is this US-only event?
Jace Moore
you wish it was bait
Jacob Foster
Nah it's still there. I just added it to my list. Feels good user.
Josiah Russell
No pride month in the EU
If you're upset just don't buy the games. Don't pretend like this is some grand outrage and you'll never use steam again, corporations do this every year in June and treating it as anything more than a cynical cash grab is schizo shit
Grayson Jackson
nice projection incel
have sex
Landon Turner
Do they mean summer of WHITE PRIDE?
Cooper Jackson
Colton Turner
Any good games in it, might as well salvage something from this shit. I can't see the sale and I am in Texas.
Juan Miller
va-11 hall-a is pretty good
Robert Carter
Didn't /r/the_donald get nuked from orbit
Austin Peterson
Midwestern here, no faggotry on my steam store end.