PC gamers:

PC gamers:
Please, if you wanna play Persona 4, play the original PS2 version undub on PCSX2 instead. There are good widescreen hacks that don't stretch the 2D assets.
The only way to make Golden more or less tolerable is by removing marie entirely and rebalacing the combat to make it more like the original. But the game will still be a drag with a bunch added stuff no one cares about

Attached: persona-4-ps2.jpg (350x500, 54.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shitty cope. p4g is better in every single way.

The only valid complaints:
The game is easier

more content =/= better, idiot
tell me ONE event in Golden that was actually worth it and not just filler

p4 has horrible japanese voices

Based and redpilled

Skill selection automatically makes Golden the better version vanillafag.

don't do this

this assblasted sonygroid wants the game to flop

purchase ten copies to show them how playstation is irrelevant


I would but I just don't play bad games

Or you can just play p4 golden at 1080p or 720p on a hacked vita tv with everything natively in widescreen and more content.

sorry vitafag, this is the end

Teddie's jap voice makes my ears bleed.

>not 4k 60fps on PCSX2
Emulate it, but still buy a copy on steam so we get p5 down the line.

His potato pc cant run the emulator

Already have. Heard what the new content was and started eagerly awaiting Vita3k's development, but now I don't have to. Will buy day-one.
What the fuck?
Rise's and Teddy's voices weren't great, but aside from that it was pretty fucking great. Better than the English dub at least, aside from probably one character I'm forgetting about.

>play Persona 4, play the original PS2 version
I already did.
Imagine not liking Yong Bosch, Yuri Lowenthal, and Troy Baker's Kanji

And rise too

Poorfag cope. Golden is literally the same game with more stuff added to it. It's fucking obvious you're seething over the fact that you couldn't afford to play it after all these years.

>Rise in english dub
Kanji is the only good one, rest are tolerable but holy fuck Rises voice is awful

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The game's not coming to PC, it's a rumor. Sony wouldn't let their top franchise go over to PC. What next? Gran Turismo on PC? The Last of Us?

we HAVE p5. just not the worse edition
all theses """improved""" versions are cashgrabs manufactured to take money from stupid waifufags

>additional stuff = bad
Do you not fucking enjoy your vidya? Just have to complete it ASAP or something?

I thought Yosuke was pretty good too.

Good thing Rise in Japanese is even worse.

>their top franchise
It's not "their franchise" lmao. And it's an old game that got stuck on a dead platform

>Top franchise

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I already emulated and played P4.
I'm still going to play P4G if it gets ported.
Depends on how well integrated some of the new content is with the old. People bitch about atlus' ways of doing it these days.

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I already tried to play this VN on vita and I didn't really care for the 2 hour dialogue to 2 minute gameplay ratio

It can, i played through shadow of the colossus, so p4 shouldn't be a problem, but i also recently set up CFW on my vita tv and started p4 golden on it, and added the recently released 1080p patch, which looks great, so i plan to do one playthrough that way.

>And it's an old game that got stuck on a dead platform
So? if anything that means it's coming to PS4 or PS5. Again, if Sony were to let the Persona franchise slip away from their grip, you would have already seen it years ago. P5R would have been released on Switch. But that didn't happen, so obviously it's not going to in the near future.

TOP FRANCHISE............ but sells less than 1 million worldwide. not a sony franchise either
why are weeaboos like that? no one cares about your games. also, bloodborne sold only 2 million in a plataform with over 100 million players

>Depends on how well integrated some of the new content is with the old
What do you suggest is/are the worst victim(s)?
I liked P3FES (even the Answers; more combat and this youtube.com/watch?v=Vgxs785sqjw beauty, I'll fucking take it) and SJR's donutsteel certainly didn't outshadow the extra content for me.
Where do Catherine, P4G and P5R (and anything else I'm missing) place among them?

Better a poorfag than a brainlet. You didn't read my fucking post

It's not a rumor.
P3P and P4 are definitely coming to pc.

>the original PS2 version undub on PCSX2
I did. Years ago. Do you imply western ps2 release is dub only?

back to the mainline games you go

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>sells less than 1 million worldwide

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that requires a level of effort i'm not willing to do

G, and yes.
How is this one "definitely"?
I'd love it, but haven't heard jack shit about it. P4G has its Steam icon, banner and denuvo-related page leaked, but where's anything confirming P3? All I've seen is that one tweet.


Regardless, you're biased because you haven't, better yet you CAN'T play it (yet) and you're trying so hard to convince other people that your shit opinion is the correct one.


>P3 coming to PC
>it's the shitty portable version