>$949 USD
>$949 USD
>$949 USD
Confirmed by IGN
$949 USD
Other urls found in this thread:
>$1278.50 leaf dollars
source my ass?
why would anyone buy it at pc prices? the whole point is that you are paying less for a decent machine, not top dollar for the highest specs
Sounds good
Still cheaper than a 2080 and has slightly better performance
And it's only gonna last for 2 years till they'll make a ps5 pro
>has slightly better performance
was BTFO by a 2080MaxxQ=2060 in the Unreal demo
>still believes baseless rumor from 2 months ago that was already debunked
nothing was debunked only classic sweeney shilling
Why pay almost $1k when Sony says it's okay to steal it
>lets trust the chink division of epic that censor their games and lie about everything but not their ceo which is the one of the most favorable people in the industry
Shut the fuck, OP. You don't have frriends.
If apple can charge 3k+ for a shitty phone then this is more than ok.
correct. the engineer has no reason to lie in fact he screwed up bc they're under NDA while Sweeney has been comically shilling the play stations sicne the 2nd
>>$949 USD
Stop trolling at this price its dead
>$949 USD
>the launch price for the PS3 was $500
>people got pissed
>SONY lowed it to $300
If that's true gaming is dead
What is PC? What is Switch?
i wish it was more expensive so none of you fuckers could buy it
>one of the most favorable people in the industry
With the high performance on offer you are basically losing money by not buying one though
That would be an odd price point. Why not go the full $999?
Please be true, I'll laugh my ass off.
>people pay $3000 for a shitty laptop
>people surprised a game console will also be about the price of a new phone
it's times like these I'm glad to be a nincelbro
>not paying 1400 shekels for new phone every couple of months
Android user spotted
They will keep making games for the shitty laptop
This console generation is a great opportunity for another challenger to enter the ring again