How’s your quarantine going boys? Did you finish all your backlog?

How’s your quarantine going boys? Did you finish all your backlog?

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I tried, but i keep falling back to multiplayer games, i like the competition, and there is no good rpg to play at the moment

There's a quarantine going on?

This but with the same old Single Player 6th Gen games i've been played since my teenagehood, and also a couple of other games here & there like Puyo Puyo or Symphony of the Night

Spurdo BAD
Gondola GOOD

They're both breddy ebin

>600 hours in let it die
my backlog went back on-hold after finishing every carmageddon

>no one gives a fuck anymore in america
>cases just keep increasing

Is just natural selection now, doesn’t it? I wont go back to normal until there’s a vaccine

>tfw this made me build a home gym
I actually like it

The virus isn't real so there is no quarantine for me.

>Is just natural selection now,
Nice idea with the gym

Pretty much this
Everyone is on his own now

>it was unironically the flu

I've been working the whole time, the light traffic and cheap gas was nice while it lasted but everything's pretty much back to normal now. A comfy quarantine sounds nice though, wish I could've got in on that
The only game in my backlog I've made progress on is Yakuza 0, otherwise it's only gotten bigger

how does it get bigger?
shit released isn't worth playing

I'm just playing Quake 1 and Doom 1,2 and 64.
Also a question for Finns. Why you guys like Cirno?

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I picked up Rome Total War and Alien Isolation. Maybe a couple others, not sure.

I have no motivation to do anything anymore, my whole day is shitposting, playing videogames for hours and taking long naps. my friends barely talk to me anymore, I completely have up on online classes and I don't show up anymore. I feel like I'm wasting time and getting older and weaker every second and there's nothing I can do. The suicidal thoughts are getting more real and I feel completely hopeless. My backlog is going great though, you should have seen it, I'm beating games left and right

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Just two more weeks bro. This time it is happening for REAL, you'll see.

Can't for this shithold to fall apart by the end of the summer.
This but without the playing video games and online classes.

No. I've been fucking stuck being addicted to TWW2. Every time I'm about to save and start a different game my WAAAAGH meter is filled up and I have to play another 20 turns.

>end of the summer

>end of summer
user this wont end without a vaccine no matter how hard people try

To an extent it's because of increased testing. In the early stages of the epidemic the country-wide positive test rate was 15% something and in NYC it was over 50%, nowadays the country-wide positive test result is 4%. Clearly, a lot more of the cases are now being caught, most likely to an extent there's actually fewer of them, as evidenced by hospitalizations and ICU utilization going down (the kind of numbers that aren't so dependent on testing).

However, it should be remembered this is country-wide average and in some locations the true cases are also going up, the epidemic has slowed down much less than in most of Europe so US is still one of the epidemic hotspots, and looking at derivatives of derivatives, it kinda looks like they're not going to get the situation under control, which begs the question: why did they bother with the lockdown in the first place?

Yeah that's what I was getting at. Cases are peaking even higher due to re-opening and the riots.

>why did they bother with the lockdown in the first place?
They had to. It will be worse if they didn’t try to slow it. All that time was to get ready for it

>he thinks states aren't hiding their numbers

I've been working from home and although it's pretty chill to wake up whenever you want I kind of miss the energy I get from getting out of the house and collaborating with others face to face. Been mostly browsing Zig Forums, cooming a lot to H-games and picked up smoking cigarettes after rolling joints with tobacco for a month. Although I stopped with the weed for now since it increases my lethargy by 100%.

Started running again since the gyms are closed and it's a lot more relaxing than constantly training with other people around, but it's sad to see my gains go away.

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Build a fucking home gym. Gains are really easy to get back because muscle memory

I know but I still live with my parents and don't have enough space for a bench or even just a barbell. Won't move out anytime soon either because I enjoy being around my family, helping my siblings. Neither do I want to spend all my savings since I'm doing an apprenticeship and pay will be shit for at least the next two years.

>some things already opened
>scared to go out

I know the virus is still out there but I am right about waiting for it to completily dissapear until finally going back to normal?

>build a home gym
are you rich?

The flu is gonna get ya bro, stay in house forever.

You can get all the basics with just 1k bucks. Are you poor?