Can someone please help me buy a controller for my PC? I want something I can emulate PS2 games with easily...

Can someone please help me buy a controller for my PC? I want something I can emulate PS2 games with easily. I usually buy something like pic related but these controllers are usually shit. The deadzones for the analog sticks are always fucked and don't detect input from light joystick movement. This bothers me and makes many games unplayable for me.

tl;dr What's the best controller I could buy for my PC?

Attached: help a nigga out.png (507x236, 49.65K)

you get what you can with the money you have. fuck, buy the Elite if you're ballin, idgaf.

$22's a lot of money where i'm from, could only get this absurdly sturdy little thing.

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That's actually kinda sad. Does it your hand like it says in the reviews?

You need a DS2 + adapter because otherwise it won't have analog buttons.

does it what my hand?

I'm sorry I don't understand. What does Dark Souls 2 have to do with this?

Racing games are overblown and those are the only games where analog buttons matter whatsoever, even MGS3 shitcanned analog inputs in favor of digital inputs with the ports because they weren't necessary

360 controllers are pretty solid
I had 3x red ring returns for the console but I still have my first wireless controller, and after all the abuse my angry incel teenage self inflicted on it when I mad at video games, it only got a tiny bit of forward-drift on left stick from angry sprinting

bought a wired one for pc gaming a few years ago for cheap and it still feels crisp and new

any controller with two analog sticks. PS4 goes pretty cheap and easy to find.
There is 8bitdo but pretty expensive.

People will scoff but for me it's the Dualshock 4. I can't go back to the 360 buttons, the RB buttons being clicky are too fucking obnoxious for games that natively assign primary attack to them, like Dark Souls. With a combination of either native Steam support or DS4Windows it's generally gonna be fully compatible. Only exceptions I found is in some games especially if pirated (Resonance of Fate is a personal example). DS4Windows started giving me BSOD on my current system/install of Windows though so I installed SCP, which is hard to remove once you do. Unfortunately it ruined my normal DS4 touch pad functionality so playing Let It Die is no longer viable.

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Where the fuck can I still buy x360 controllers? It seems like they are sold out everywhere

If you get lucky the new Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 is probably the best bet - integrated bluetooth wireless support, can be used wired, internal rechargeable battery (thank god).

However there have been many people claiming issues related to the controller even though this version was supposed to fix the issues from the previous model. Most places it's sold out (due to covid), and if you get a faulty one you should be able to get it replaced.

Even with bluetooth support, I've had better results with the dongle. It has higher bandwidth and isn't as likely to be interfered with by other nearby wireless signals.

for me, it's the McChicken.

Attached: t-mcdonalds-McChicken.jpg (300x300, 27.4K)

that's a fake controller retard
he is complainign about what controller he can buy today

there are a fuckton of fake PS4 controllers for sale that claim they're legit

I just bought one on newegg

get a xbone controller customized from microsoft

you can add gay shit and stuff

How lightly are you moving the stick? I’ve never had a problem with my rock candy 360 controller for any emulator or game on pc, but I’m also not really picky about control stuff.

Same actually except they call it the Jr. Chicken here. I'll buy 3 of them and scarf em down in record time.

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For me, it's the Duke.

Attached: Hyperkin_DUKE.jpg (3097x1580, 489.52K)

What the fuck are you talking about. There’s a controller in the picture. Fucking retard.
Op go buy a controller from Walmart or GameStop or something if you’re afraid of the internet.

>black and white are RB and LB
>third party
into the trash

>tl;dr What's the best controller I could buy for my PC?
I used a 360 controller for the longest of time, but recently changed over to a PS4 controller for the dpad. I would suggest that desu.

Not him, but it does have RB and LB if you don't like the OG white/black. You can even see it on the controller.

dualshock 4 is pretty good

>There’s a controller in the picture so it's not fake

not even worth it to choose a brainlet wojak for you pham

How much of a pain in the ass is it to setup?

so don't buy a disreputable fake lmao, need me to tie your shoes while I'm solving problems no adult should be stuck on?

If I had known that brand new in box 360 controllers would be selling on newegg for $100 each, I would have bought them instead of going to college.

Well I can't really find an official Microsoft xbox -> usb controller so I'm pretty sure you're just talking out your ass here

DS4 or XB1

Dualshock 3 might be nice to have for emulating since it has pressure sensitive buttons that many other controllers dont and are used in MGS2,3 and a few other games but finding legit ones is a pain

It's an 8bitdo but for Xbox, basically, the original with stuff on top. It has proper LB/RB.

>he's gonna buy a bootleg 360 controller from amazon

My 360 controller doesn't play nice with windows 10. It works but the lights are always flashing and occasionally it loses connection :(

chinese bootleg

Do you just go through life without a clue what's happening around you or ?

get a real xbone controller or a real 360 controller
never had a single problem with my genuine xbox 360 controller ™ with its genuine 360 receiver ™ in 10 years