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The only functional difference I remember is that one of them operated the sky forge for the companions.

Take a hike, Imperial milk drinker.

this is such a dumb moment, even for a game. Who walks up to a person they've never seen before to ask them what their politics are?
It's like if i walked up to a random guy on the street and said "Donkey Party or Elephant Party!?"

I am jew sir.

Grey Mane, Skyrim belongs to the nords and everyone else needs to GO BACK.

Whiterun proper is an exclusive, guards only let distinguished individuals go further than the main gate. He sees you're new in town and assumes you're some kind of a big shot.

Which is why you answer Gray-Mane regardless of your actual allegiance just to spite this retard

One is pro-emprie and the other pro-stormcucks.

If it wasn't for corona, murican college campuses would be full of people walking around asking anyone they run into if they support #BLM or not right about now.

I still don't know who was in the right here. All I know is that there's mods that make her suck your dick.

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Aren't manes technically neck-beards?

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Is it just me or do others also have the feeling that this family feud was supposed to be a bigger part in the cities story but was later cut?
The only quest connected to the families was the one where you break out a son out of the Thalmor base right? Why use so many voice lines for this feud if you can never really interact with it anyway?

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are blacks technically tanned?

If it's between the clan with actual values that respect and help you given the chance and a clan of sellouts who do nothing but bitch at you I think the choice is pretty clear
Shut up nigger

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That would be the based stormcloak chad
Gods be praised

>imperials cant spell
Like pottery

What's more likely, that the Alik'r, who waged war with the Thalmor and kicked them out of Hammerfell are working for the Thalmor, who have pretty much the free reign to go anywhere in Skyrim already; or that a lying theiving tavern wench sold her city out to said Thalmor and is on the run from the Alik'r who had to drive those Thalmor out?

Saadia is lying slut and anyone who falls for her shit is a simp.

No because a mane isnt limited to just the hair under the neck, retard

Ironically, it's the Empire that's taking it up the ass from the Aldemri Dominion.

I'm inclined to think the Alik'r are telling the truth since she wants you to kill them while they really do just incapacitate her and get mad if you kill her, makes it feel like she's trying to cover it up while they just want her to face judgment. It's still just a hunch though and it's pretty ambiguous

When a civil war is taking place, it is a bit more important to know the affiliation of people you meet.

the head of the greys becomes the new jarl when you do the stromcloack takeover, something was probably cut along with most of the civil war stuff which is well known to be gimped for console releases.
but yeah, it's weird that it's so well established and goes out of your way to tell the player about it but does nothing with it. If my GM did this I'd think he forgot something

Battle-born, I need a warm welcome

Silence is violence incel

To add to the whole "Alik'r just fought a fucking war with the Thalmor" angle, why would the Alik'r be banned from the cities if they working for the Thalmor. One word from the Thalmor and the Alik'r could go whoever the fuck they wanted. Or the Thalmor could just send one of their own agents.

Sadie's story does not add up AT ALL.

And why would they be hanging out in a bandit cave then? What, you think traitors aren't real?

I don't give a shit about Skyrim's retarded "story" or NPCs, kill him before he even gets a word out I've got big futa cocks to ride.

See If the Alik'r were working for the Thalmor they wouldn't have to hide in a cave.

Whiterun is independently run at that point.

The people that promote "silence is violence" achieve the same as those who stay silent.
It's just one big pat on the back, and nothing more.

You know, it would have worked better if they don't show his fucking name in the dialogue
