>persona 4G announced for PC
>soon other sony titles like Bloodborne will be coming
>kingdom hearts 3 is coming too
It's such a good time to be a pirateCHAD.
Persona 4G announced for PC
Kingdom Hearts: the story so far and KH3 and I cream my pants. too bad its never happening
Enjoy your bitcoin miner
>complete editions
>better graphics
>stable 6 million FPS
>(lewd) mods
>all for free
Is great, my fellow amoral criminal.
>to be a pirate chad
It's really not, I pirate literally everything I can and the piracy scene is fucking shit right now. Codex has basically disappeared, CPY too. There's no one out there currently having any apparent success with newly released Denuvo titles at all, if Codex even cares to bother anymore. I'm not looking forward to having to pay for P4G because of Denuvo. That's probably 40 fucking dollars of my fucking beer money GONE. I could drink for 2.5 nights with that money.
Its already on the xbox game pass. patience always works for the PCchads dont worry.
Are you retarded? Games are still being cracked that arent online only 24/7. Trials of Mana just got cracked after not being cracked for over a month
Too bad none of these games are worth pirating.
>PC gamers are alcoholic failures who would rather piss their money away over supporting their hobby
How unsurprising
No need to pay for games when consolefags do it for me