Show this screenshot a year ago and no one would believe it

Show this screenshot a year ago and no one would believe it

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no one cares about your shitty lootbox games, EA marketer. no ones giving you a penny, KYS

You still need Origin to play this shit.

they all require origin anyway, right?
I'll just pirate, thanks.

>, thanks.

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lol steam drones, such brand loyalty they cant even get a free program

Steam monkeys make console wars look tame

Do you need to repurchase it?

>pirating a multiplayer game

Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: EA on-line activation and Origin client software installation and background use required
Requires 3rd-Party Account: EA Account (Supports Linking to Steam Account) (Supports Linking to Steam Account)
Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA
Star Wars Battlefront 2 EULA

C&C Remaster doesn't, the rest do AFAIK

no one cares you worthless brain damaged retard


I would've. Origin was always EA's little temper tantrum over not getting a bigger cut through Steam. Nobody ever wanted it, it never fulfilled any real niche besides "the only place to get EA games" (which are largely garbage anyway), and the actual service was never particularly good. Them crawling back to Valve was fairly inevitable.

Should I get Battlefield 3 or 4?

>Open Steam
>Open BF from Steam
>Opens Origin window
>Click server browser
>Opens web browser
>Find a server and join it
>Goes back to Origin window
>Then back to the game itself
How much fucking ram is this all going to use?

All of you should buy origin access for a month and try all of those games for $10 before deciding what to buy first.

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Is EA abandoning Origin? I liked the Origin pass, was cheap.

I was looking forward to this until I found out it still requires origin, it's pointless. I played BF1 on origin and it was a fucking pain in the ass to get its friend invite system working, not to mention it crashed more in a week than any other launcher I ever used, fuck that shit show.

At this point they both are mostly ded with the servers full of tryhards with 1,000s of hours, hackers and third world children.

Did they give up on their Origin or?

>EA Access coming soon

just put titanfall 2 up on steam with a free weekend and you can easily save this playerbase for a bit

Is anyone still playing Battlefronr 2015?

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I've not played a single enjoyable game on their engine.

god i fucking wish

which battlefield should i get?

It's still going to require the origin client so it ain't saving shit

V is pretty decent now.

if they let me move my purchases from origin to steam I might have used it but they don't

redpill me on star wars battlefront 2

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1, avoid V at all costs

V was great, fuck off.

What is wrong with your brain?

>V was great, fuck off.

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do people still play battlefield 4?