Oldfag here

Are efriends not worth it anymore? In 2010 I was able to make efriends easily but in 2020 after one minute they block you and then post all the information they gathered on you.

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Let me fix my own post
They act more like dataminers and start smear campaigns than actual friends

you would probably be more successful if you stopped calling them efriends

Just don't walk into any server all willy nilly and start blabbing to everyone.
Lurk for a few days and test the autism levels everyone has before deciding whether or not you want to put up with any of that

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Also efriends is shorter than internet friends. I used shorthand

That’s your first problem

I bet you are one of those fags that just spammed their kik all the time

Did you go into a random server and yell GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW by any chance

try to meet people in mmorpg guilds, thats how I met my current friends

im not joking when I tell you the most big discord servers are filled with trannies and fags that get angry at any perceived slight.

Yeah I met a few of them, all I know is that they unironically have five people they met online who they're set to marry and move in with. Eharems

Do you have something to hide? Why did you even make this thread

I was just saying that 2020 internet is dying off, most friendships are dataminers and don't transition to irl

Who cares? What are they going to datamine, your address? Who gives a shit you're a nobody.

Why did you give absolute random strangers on the internet (whom you do not know at all- I feel like I need to reiterate this even though I feel also like I shouldn't have to) your dox information and/or blacklist material on you?


This was ten years ago and we hit it off and were actual friends.

Actual friends on the internet?

Yes we were close friends and I contacted his family member once. I'm being vague to protect his identity because I don't do it for clout.

Skype is soul. Discord is soulless

I agree honestly. So many people online these days are fucking faggots, and by that I mean they act like bitchy women. Talking shit behind your back, crying to other people about wrongdoings without saying anything to your face, abusing the appear offline function to avoid ever talking when they don't want to, having secret exclusive hangouts outside of wherever they're normally at. It's fucking gay and retarded, I can't associate with people who act like this and I'm lucky I've found a bunch of dudes from various communities who don't. I even met up with all of them in a foreign country too because they're such cool dudes so I cant complain too much.

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This. Secret group chats to demonize others

Learn a different language and stop interacting with EOP shitters
People from reasonable parts of the world like Europe, Japan, etc, are easier to make friends with online. Not the ones who post here, of course.

>play with randoms in bf5 via discord
>have fun all around
>dude dies in front of me, I avenge him and teabag him before reviving
>he unironically calls me toxic and spends the whole match saying "I just don't understand why you've got to be so toxic bro"
>ruined the mood for everyone all because I teabaged him as a joke

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>act like the biggest shock jock you can
>gradually espouse every offensive thing you genuinely believe over the course of a conversation
>be a caricature of yourself, the worst person you figure you can possibly be outside of direct threats or antagonizing

From here, you have the following outcomes:
>the group disagrees with you or how you act, kicks you out and nobody has to put up with anyone they'd dislike talking to
>the group is apathetic and nothing happens
>the group is fine with you having those opinions but wants you to tone it down, which you are welcome to at your discretion (or you can bail)
>the group agrees with you and there's no need to self-moderate

This is how I have made all my friends of several years. I act like an exaggeration of myself, see how they respond and act like my normal self (which is less abrasive) if they stick around. Pussy niggers will insist some bullshit like "if you act like Zig Forums nobody will ever like you", but only women care about giant circles of friends. All you need is a tightly-knit group of people you like and trust. This test is basically a colander for no fun faggots and weirdos.

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How epic is this 'cord bros?

my two rules of thumb in this new discord era of meeting and joining online communities:
if you're joining communities and at least half the people don't know each other irl (actually meet up, not just have dox on each other) it's a huge red flag these days, sadly.
if anyone ever forces people to feel bad for them in general chats that's a sign to gtfo and stay away from that group.

it's scary how bad the average joe has gotten. blackmail is very fucking real these days.

i cant believe this movie got made

it good? Saw this moment and other one. Really inspirational but I'm afraid that it all goes down the drain at some point.

this shit happens in a normal real friend circle as well it's just easier to do in an online setting because you can just disappear so people have a pretty open one and done factor. the term friend has no meaning online

True. People can demonize you in person but its harder to escape when they live next to you

Newfags use Discord. Oldfags use IRC.

People talk about blackmail as if it's a substitute for real life repurcussion. The irony is that blackmail is arguably more deserving of real life repurcussion than a simple insult. Someone insults you, insult them back. Someone destroys your life and social circles... you should be at least able to hit them in the face, but you can't. Online is a scary fucking place these days.

I don't have any friends so I've never really used Discord. I assume it's like old IRC.

What is this movie?

anyone in this thread just wanna grief video games and fuck with twitch streamers and shit? no politics no women no drama just bros fucking with people online. comfy bros maybe sometimes watching youtube and listening to music.

the internet has crippled the ability for the newer generations to handle being insulted yet at the same time allow them to freely express themselves causing such massive instabilities in social behavior

Same shit happened to me in 2010 ironically.
Now have a cool group of randos I met on 4ch and vidya as I have no friends irl anymore
Shit luck op also happened to me 3 years ago and cops got involved

Close, how could you tell? I just added a bunch of n words in there


>they block you and then post all the information they gathered on you.
Where the hell are you meeting people online? Maybe stop trying to pick up underage trannies and stick to talking to normal people.