MGS2 is not better than MGS3

MGS2 is not better than MGS3

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mgs 2 stinks. 3 is way better


As long as you acknowledge 2 and 3 as the peak of the series it doesn't matter which you prefer. Focus on the real enemy, 5fags.

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OP, as always, is a faggot

MGS3 certainly is more entertaining, MGS2 is where the series peaked as far as the plot goes.

MGS5 > MGS2 > MGS4 > MGS1 >>>>>>>> MGS3

Both are good. I played MGS2 with my buddy so and played MGS3 alone. I liked MGS3 a lot but staying up late with my friend and beating the Fatman part was peak entertainment.

Case and point


Though I prefer top-down MGS3 to third-person Subsistence MGS3. Game feels like it was more designed for that camera angle.

yes it is

gameplay wise he's right

Impossible to really decide but for me at the moment it is

MGS3 > MGS2 > MGSV (mainly for MGO) > MGS1 >MGS4

pretty based though personally I'd switch 2 and 5

for me, it’s

I personally could never get used to MGS3's original controls, as i first played the 3ds version, which plays more like mgs4, with the ability to crouch walk.

Don't mind me, just being the best metal gear game.

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3 is my favorite game of all time and i dont hate 5
is literaly MGS2 with better gameplay
even the cut content is like MGS2 cut ending because of 9-11

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MGS2 and MGS3 are the best.
Some people have mgs3 as their favorite because it is the most fun while some have mgs2 as their favorite because it was more life changing.

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People like 2 more then 3?

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Why didn't MGS3 or 4 have VR missions?

HD collection for pc when? ;_;

what a boring webm, all the cool shit you can do in mgsv and you saved the most boring one.

well obviously you wouldn't appreciate it, being a retard and all

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budget went to the multiplayer

Agreed. MGSV is definitely the best playing game in the series, the first 3's controls feel a bit clunky by today's standards, MGSV's controls are buttery smooth, all movement and actions flow together beautifully.

You are mentally ill, you have never played a MGS game other than V

Lame. Would much prefer a set of levels that actually take advantage of the deeper gameplay in those compared to 1 or 2.

Not him but Snake Eater is my single favorite game of all time but V plays much better. If 3 had the controls of V it would be the best action game of all time and you know this. For as much as V got wrong, the controls and gameplay was tighter than Kaz's butthole.

Retard no shit V plays better, I still have more fun with MGS3

Bait or not, how can anyone have this opinion? MGS3 is the pinnacle of the series.

Yeah, I do too, because Snake Eater is timeless. If we're agreeing with each other why are you calling me a retard?

Is this list backwards? How am I supposed to read this because no person in their right mind would ever put MGS 5 as the best.

I love the art in the old MGS, it was weird to see for me as kid