The mc of your favourite game is now a black woman

>the mc of your favourite game is now a black woman
How do you react?

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Probably with racism and an inability to cope. I need it to be white and to have a penis.

>Portal 2
Not a thing changes. What a boring option, OP.

Well Half-Life is one of my favorite games and Alyx was fucking phenomenal, so...

>New Vegas

Can already happen.

won't feel the same cause im not a nigger woman

this but unironically

>Quake 1
In that universe, everybody's either an unhinged human, an alien, or some sort of inter-dimensional cybernetic freak. So it's fine.

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Alyx is a Black Hapa, so nothing changes.

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>Super Mario Sunshine

I bite down on my cyanide capsule because I'll claim I'm being replaced and there's nothing I can do about it.

Why would I even care?

Happy we get the female classes update

Make some doujins of her fucking white boys

I hire a hitman to kill the developer

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I don't.
It'd be hypocritical of me to call out devs for pandering because it interferes with their vision, and then turn around and cry foul when their vision isn't necessarily something that aligns with my preferences.

I don't need someone in a videogame to necessarily look like me in order to immerse myself in it. Why do you?

only if it's a brown tomboy who loves sport and going to the gym

if shes a sassy bitch with a fit body i dont see any problems

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My favourite game doesn't have an MC and forcing one would make it complete shit

stop lying, it it was the other way around you would be reeeeing on twitter

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>there was a time when the hunter was ok

If shes hot, cute, or a good personality than im fine with it.
If she is lazily jammed into the game with less effort than a normal character because you can deflect any criticism as racism than im mad.
If that woman does not make me waifu her over the course of a game EVEN without any romantic text than you have failed on purpose.

It's fine as long it keeps the original personality.
If i had to choose between graphics change and the personality being changed to some feminist twat, graphics is a go

>How do you react?

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There's a difference between using characters appropriately and shoving niggers in where they dont belong.
It works in the GTA games but it would be absolutely retarded to put it in a game like Kingdom Come or The Witcher.

is she an ebony queen getting fucked by white shotas?

If you are white, you gotta kneel

What gives you that impression?

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A good personality can make even the most SJW appearing woman into a waifu desu.

It's likely made by an Amerimutt developer, and why the fuck would I play mutt games?
Also, I haven't scrolled down yet, and I can already guess the thread is full of obese Americanoid creatures drooling over these filthy creatures after spending an entire week burning their country into the ground over some dead crackhead.

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i only realize it when im trying out vanity sets

Intensely obsessed with the obese.

Just realized this is a twitter vent thread as OP's image goes back to a trending twitter thread.

I love black women


Agree, to an extent - if there's a realistic setting then yeah, it seems like pandering. But if we're throwing elves, dwarves and shit in there, why draw the line at blacks?

I dunno man, depends on the game as far as I'm concerned.

Does the name and background change to address that she's a black woman? Or is it still Ryu Hyabusa with all the story just a black woman now? That would be weird.

She still is.

I only fuck white women, yes I am black. Now call me based.