The Russian who got banned is suing Valve

Two days after losing access to all his Steam games, lcompote posted his plans to combat the ban:
>“Just to give it a full context to everyone. I got a 3 month community ban in August (Ion fury post ). Citing my rights and the Russian law (Consumer rights protection law. They have no right to impose speech regulations when they sell a license or product ) to the support led to a 1 month ban preventing to contact the support altogether. Next in February 2 more comments led to a 1 year long community ban. Going to support and blalblab again my rights and the russian law, they slapped me with a perma community ban and 1 month ban to contact the support. in doing that, some steam support faggot threatened me to disable my account if I continue to bother them. He used my real name which i never gave apart from the visa form payment. So anyone at Valve down to a cockroach has access to this information. It’s not in line with their privacy police or the russian law. Of course I didn’t stop so they disabled my account.

>Oh yeah I’m suing the Fat Fukk company. I’ve already filed with the Russian watchdog that deals with the consumer rights protection law. I’ll wait until the review is finished. That should take care of it on the state level. Fines or whatnot.

>I will then send an illegal action notice to the fatfuck company. If they don’t accept my demands to restore my account, compensate me and change their shitty rules according to the russian law I’ll be taking them to court. I will throw the french court ruling idea on reselling the products you own for good measure. Also the fact they update their Steam agreement and can’t say no if you don’t wanna lose you games.

>The russian consumer rights protection law works like magic here. I’ve used it many times before. It’s the only thing that works properly in this country hahaha No company can impose speech regulations when selling a license and product.”

What could it mean gaming if he wins?

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That within the context of his country Valve will have to change things to allow them certain rights that will not spread to others.

it's staged by volvo so they can stop spending money on censorship.

What could it mean FOR gaming if he wins

i love how steam drones always tries to make valve out to be the good guy in a clear example of them acting bad

>extreme racism

They're not the good guys, but they are far better than anyone else right now

Here's Sony celebrating a guy that robbed pregnant women at gunpoint btw

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i was mocking valve drones you dipshit...

>Say word
>Lose games

They will likely do whatever helps their PR to normals as they don't care even slightly about Zig Forums wanting to shout nigger or scream memes while peaking microphones in counter strike.

How is it RUSSIA has more protections for free speech than the rest of the Western world?

Free speech is only protected from government state,local, and federal in the United States. Currently you can not sue private companies over online speech shit because of Obama era laws.

They don't need censorship in Russia because the people feel such intense guilt for their words that they throw themselves from the top of buildings after shooting themselves in the back of the head seven times.

because faggots are mentally ill pedophiles, and niggers are subhuman apes who don't function in a society.
Sorry you westcucks can't realize this.

>russian guy loses library due to what he claims to be comments on forum
>not because he used stolen credit cards

The only gullible retards are those who believe his story.

At it again with that gamer rage

would have cared if he was from a actual country lmao

t.Fat Fukk

>How is it RUSSIA has more protections for free speech
it literally doesnt you retarded faggot.
you can go to jail for insulting islam in russia.

>be enough of an ass you get banned from all social features of steam
>articles chimp out and say you lost access to your library; you didn't
>don't correct them because of attention
>going to get stomped in a frivolous lawsuit where valve has exhaustive proof of him being an assclown

I don't own a nintendo or snoy console, so I'm 100 lbs lighter than the average gamer.


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>acts like a retard
>gets punished
This is a good thing.

In Russia you can say anything as long as you don't criticize Putin
In the west you can say anything as long as you don't criticize women, minorities, jews, gay and trans people, Greta, BLM, EU, UN, antifa, globalism, multiculturalism, democracy, feminism...

absolutely based

Sony always wins little white boy

you mean america

valve support black lives matter retard

Peak autism if you ask me.

(insert rambling essay about freedom of speech rights that makes it plain I didn't read the article or anything about it)

This entire article was nothing but fake news. Valve suck but that doesn't excuse your literally fake news clickbait garbage.
Fuck off with your shilling.

where is the proof he lost his games?
looks like he just lost community acess

>say mean things
>have property stolen
the world isn't California bud

I bet you're white

>that last paragraph

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So what exactly did he get banned for?

He didn't lose access to his games.

I'm glad there are brave men out there willing to fight for what is right.

not that he deserves to lose his games.
But he's an absolute mong (like all russians) for thinking valve wouldn't get tired of his shit and go more extreme each time.

Valve drones are mentally ill


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>legally pay for something
>megacorps strip it away from you for wrongthink

t. Lives completely free of the fear of being arrested by the gov so much that he thinks the right to free speech means the right to say NIG- online

prove he didnt