Should Square Enix just kill the FF series & turn FFXIV into it’s own seperate Franchise...

Should Square Enix just kill the FF series & turn FFXIV into it’s own seperate Franchise, like Blizzard did with Warcraft & Wow? FF7R was their last chance & it flopped

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No they should just invest back into XIV since it's the only good modern FF right now

And 7R is gay


That’s what i meant. Stop making mainline games since they don’t make money, cancel FF7R. Just spend all of the money on milking FFXIV for as long as possible.

How is Warcraft separate from WoW when they haven't made a new one after WoW?

Yes, just turn the worlds from FF1-FF10 into seperate yearly expansion packs. There’s no reason to even bother with FF7-2

XIV and XI are canonical entries in the FF chronology. XIV is just the one that keeps getting DLCs. They've stated numerous times that they have an end in mind for XIV and once that story is concluded, they will put it on maintenance and make a new MMO entry.

Did you saw WoW? Also, we all know that Warcraft 3 got a terrible remaster, but still.

>FF7R flopped
>shipped/sold 3.5 mil in the first 3 days
>set franchise launch month sales record

Low tier bait, try again. Even if you dislike the game, trying to deny numbers that amount to profit for SE isn't going to somehow change it that profit.

Absolutely not. FFXIV is pretty damn good but what makes FF great is that each installment is it's own thing and can be expanded on or left alone and be perfectly fine

> 3.5 million first week
> Absolutely disappeared from every regions top 10 selling games
> Animal Crossing stills tops all charts
It literally flopped, it had the equivelent of a strong opening night at the box office only to completely fall off the map afterwards. Cope more shill

Why would they need to? I would assume they have the resources to do both.

>XIV since it's the only good modern FF right now
Shame it's not single player and I have to deal with that garbage community every fucking time I want to play it.

it kinda is though you can run dungeons without talking to anybody without a problem it's wows dungeons system done right


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>full on tomestones
>got all the gear for the classes I have at 60
What else should I spend tomestones on?

This is true and it's great. I think I got to the fight with Garuda before anyone in my duty party said more than "Hello" or "gg". As one of the anons on Zig Forums who convinced me to give 14 a try a couple of months ago said "It's a single player FF game with MMO features."

>1 and a half month until next story patch

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Dilate harder. Did the previous thread you've made today flopp, so you've made another one?

Game literally outsold expectations and set sales records while fucking in a physical release crisis during a pandemic. That considered, the second wave of sales when it makes the PC hop and coupled with an renewed physical market push at a time where that's not happening, you're looking at one of the better gross sales game they've ever produced outside the online market. Not like I would expect a seething shitposter to tell the difference between sucking a dick and stating facts, but you sure seem to be familiar with the dick sucking.

Q: How satisfied are you with initially having sold 3.5 million units of “FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE?” Do you have any plans to offer it on additional platforms?

A: We are pleased that we were able to top 3.5 million units given that we chose to produce and ship fewer physical disks due to the impact that we foresaw from the coronavirus outbreak. Disk sales were lower than we had initially anticipated, but growth in digital sales increased their percentage of the whole, which we expect to lead to a better gross margin. We will refrain from commenting on the possibility of offering the title on additional platforms for now.

yeah though I wish they would rework the base games main quest for less WAKING SANDS and shit like that so new players don't have to wait literally 60-80h until it gets good

>dude aliens lmao
were you really a mysery nigga in the cutscene? its been a while since I watched it

Instead they're doing the exact opposite


Nobody cares about your shitty MMO.

You still need to if you want to do Normal raids which are important to the story.
I would honestly take a gambit system over these retards.

you literally cared enough to reply

I guess I'm the only person on the fucking planet who appreciates the MMO aspects, and loves talking to my FC, and meeting new people.

no lol. I literally tanked through alexander and omega without saying a word.
>tfw couldn't do bahamut bc nobody queued for it

literally the nicest most helpful community I've ever interacted with, ur chatting shit

I would appreciate if everyone on this game wasn't a retard, a fag or a tranny, and also the fags that never use party chat and keep dying.
I've had next to no meaninful interactions with people in this game over 2 months play time. Everyone is "nice" because they don't want to get banned.
related is one of the retards that completely neglects the fact that the newest raids are impossible by yourself and talks about unsynced content, which no shit is soloable.

If you think they are nice you are part of the problem.

you are quite literally too retarded to read a comment and I'm almost 100% sure you've never played the game and just salty because your shit game called wow is the worst mmo on the market right now

>literally the nicest most helpful community I've ever interacted with
Fuck off reddit

>I would appreciate if everyone on this game wasn't a retard, a fag or a tranny
Oh, you're one of those people who rees when anyone acts slightly outside of your comfort zone.

>FF7R was their last chance & it flopped
The reason for this is Squeenix giving one single man too much power when it comes to any game, just look at XIII.

I never played wow lmao. This is my first mmo the community is pretty trash.

If everything around you smells like shit maybe it's you who stepped in it. Nobody forces you to play the game zoomer and nobody will miss you. Also
>playing on american servers

I want to FUCK Shtola!

it feels so fucking fake and forced i hate it so much

how do you enjoy this game outside of the msq? plant cabbage?

Yeah dude, this behavior is totally cool and nice owo.

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You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

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>playing on american servers
Who are you quoting? Are Yoshi's paypigs this retarded they need to fill shit in their heads? I never said that, and I'm not, you have the reading comprehension of a nigger.

>99% of the time, community will say "np" in dungeon runs if shit goes sour
>but the 1% of the time means the community is shit!!!!

> Cherrypicking
You always run into asspies like this in MMOs man.

you literally don't. Only retards and addicts keep playing.
>new xpac releases
>play msq and fun quests maybe few raids and unsub
>wait for content
>resub do the new shit right before the next xpac drops/ say hello to your FC and friends
this is how you enjoy the game

>i-it's just the 1%
Shit argument.

than it's literally you who is the problem i'm not even memeing. EU community is the least retarded and cringe one. You are just a fucking friendless loser and nobody likes you for a reason. Now you at least know. Pls unsub and kys

Raid, make money, fish, be social.


You play other games while waiting for new story patches.

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it's probably been years since hw now that i think about it