Im a faggot that only owns a nintendo switch, but i really want to give the witcher 3 a go. ive heard the port is awful...

im a faggot that only owns a nintendo switch, but i really want to give the witcher 3 a go. ive heard the port is awful, but is it worth it?

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You don't even own a usable PC?

The port's damn fine for an Nvidia tablet that's far inferior specs-wise to even the stock Xbone S, but you really should not start a TRILOGY with its last game. Even more so if you haven't read the NOVELS yet either.

It will be fine if you literally never look up a single image or video of the game running on any other platform for the rest of your life

It isn't awful, it doesn't look as good as other games in the console but it's very playable and it's cool playing it anywhere, spent last holiday season on my inlaws playing it by the pool.

>playing the worst version

it's good port

the game itself is awful too
wouldn't bother

>spent last holiday season on my inlaws playing it by the pool.
Autist with fat wife confirmed

lol i wish but its just not a smart investment for me at the moment

aware its the worst version but is the game itself good enough to justify playing the worst version

Winds howling...

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No. Get a PS4 or PC. Any third parties on switch should not be played on switch. the performance and graphical downgrades are not worth the price they charge.

I wonder if you could stream it to something via Stadia/Nvidia thing. Should be much better than playing it on switch.

Its a better skyrim

not awful. have fun.

Gonna bum op's thread, mario party or new smbu deluxe for a bing bing wahoo fix? or disregard both and get dragon quest

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I think the game itself is shit. The port is okay but the internal resolution is just so low, everything looks blurry af.

t.pirated it to see if I like it portable more than playing the pc version

If you don't want to buy another console then sure, buy it on switch. Although, if you're thinking of getting a Sexbox when it comes out, you might want to wait, cause you can play the Xbone version on that (cause it will have backwards compatibility with all Xbone games).

Don't play it. You have been warned.

you're better off playing skyrim on an alexa

You would be doing yourself a great disservice to experience Witcher 3 like that as the first time.

You're a switchtard, you can't be picky about this stuff.

>ive heard the port is awful

its a decent port for what it is. i think its a shit game though so just pirate on pc or hack your switch.

Keep coping fag, I'm fit and my wife is slim and gorgeous.

they had to trim the graphics way down to ASCII only with turn based combat, but you can dress Geralt up like Kirby so that's a plus

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Mario Maker 2

Looks good to me.

Attached: witcher3onswitch.png (740x444, 426.53K)

It's a miracle the port is as good as it is. If you only ever plan on owning a Switch then sure. Its one of the best-looking games on it, and the story will be good no matter what.

It's playable.

That's literally the PC version.

That's a PC screenshot.

It's great, it runs pretty well and looks good in handheld, you can adjust the visual settings, like antialiasing, bloom, motion blur, sharpening, depth of field or vegetation render distance to your liking. You can even share the save with the PC version.

I don't know why people are complaining about the graphics, seems fine to me

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I haven't tried the Switch version but I heard that the port is actually good. That being said, the Switch is a slow console so you're pretty much going to get the worst version of TW3, unless portability ranks very high in your priorities list. By far the best version is on PC.
Actually looks breddy gud. Didn't expect toussaint to look this good on the switch port

Its the first thing that came up when i googled witcher 3 switch.COPE HARDER!

>buys Nintendo Switch games for $60 jsut because "they're portable"

The absolute worst kind of consumer

I'm still legit shocked they ported this game to the fucking switch.