Why do I never see anyone talking about this game...

Why do I never see anyone talking about this game? I don't even see the usual brazilion shill videos on youtube about it. What gives? Is it really that bad?

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Flavor of the month trash. Its month of fame is over

It’s only sold 3.5 million copies and completely disappeared from every top 10 best seller list now. It flopped.

because youre blind

I stopped hating it when I found out it was a sequel

>Not a falseflag thread btw haha, i didnt make this thread after the other one died haha
Eat shit, have sex, cope, seeth and dilate.

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Because all the non cancerous good game discussion unironically takes place in the Tifa threads.

Anyone who has actually played and enjoyed the game also loves Tifa.

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Yeah I think it's pretty weird when perhaps the most hyped game of the decade besides Half Life 3 that everyone was looking forward to, is pretty much discussed nowhere outside of Zig Forums seethe threads.
When these huge gigantic games come out, people talk about them forever. Seems like everyone besides Zig Forums was looking forward to this game, but then it came out, and they went "Oh yeah, modern Square Enix" and forgot about it.

Why are ff7 shills so desperate? This game flopped, nobody’s buying it now. At best it will get 5 million sales at the end of the year, it’s like Kh3. People bought it based on hype, everyone found out it was completely horrible. Everyone forgot about it & stopped buying it

it's posted here all the time you probably just don't recognize the images from it

It’s not even in Japans top selling games anymore, and they loved the original. This was a disaster, Japan released a list of their 30 most wanted games, and FF7 Remake Part II wasn’t even on there

You have a sad life

Eh, normalfags have a short attention span anyways. It doesn't mean much if they forget about something. I think that Zig Forums still talks about it is a good indicator of its staying power.

>Japan released a list of their 30 most wanted games, and FF7 Remake Part II wasn’t even on there
I'm not surprised. FF7R was a soulless cashgrab.


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I haven't heard this. Did it really flop Zig Forums?

/thread. plus it honestly didn’t really live up to the hype

It sold at least 3.5 million so can you really call it a flop?

I'm glad all these marketing experts took the time out their day to talk a bout how bad a JARPG is. Doing gods work bois

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Yes if they spent more than $3.5 million on it.

You mean 3.5 million copies worth.

What was the last game that lived up to the hype on Zig Forums? Aside from Nier automata?

No it didn’t flop. It released during a pandemic when all game stores were closed. Even today physical sales far outweigh digital

When you think it's about time the haters moved on you faggots keep shittalking this game, because it lives rent free in your head. You can't go on Zig Forums and scroll past the first page without seeing a FF7R thread.

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>Q: How satisfied are you with initially having sold 3.5 million units of “FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE?” Do you have any plans to offer it on additional platforms?
>A: We are pleased that we were able to top 3.5 million units given that we chose to produce and ship fewer physical disks due to the impact that we foresaw from the coronavirus outbreak. Disk sales were lower than we had initially anticipated, but growth in digital sales increased their percentage of the whole, which we expect to lead to a better gross margin. We will refrain from commenting on the possibility of offering the title on additional platforms for now.

Holy based

barry btfo

outside of 2Bs fat ass and thighs Nier auto was a pretty shitty game too

brainlet filter is working

it’s objectively a dull hack and slash game. too easy

Animal Crossing is at 15 Million. Cope

It's like an 80% retread of a 20 year old game and there's not much to say about the new stuff.

honest truth? it just wasn’t that good

>that tranny who always brings up Animal Crossing

Mods have been autosaging the threads

I can only assume you haven’t been on Zig Forums in 2020


Why is Cloud so sexy?

That was 3.5 million in three days. On one platform, during lockdown. More than God of War and Spider-Man

Why would anyone try to talk about games on Zig Forums?

Do you have a link to that list? i'm legit curious about which game nips picked

it's the most disappointing game of all time. I hope all future parts get cancelled or stuck in dev hell

Oh yeah I love it when countries have referendums on their own official most-wanted games list

stinky tifa haha

>Why do I never see anyone talking about this game?
Because there's nothing to talk about, it's 10% of the original game everyone already played to death but padded to hell and with some shitty nomura plot twist in it.

This guy became a real annoyance. Not only in his character design, but for plots aswell.

It's like the game isn't even announced yet. Gee, I wonder why huh.

what does a director even do anyway? isn't nojima the main writer?

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